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Everything posted by eligrba

  1. Yankees originally traded four prospects to the Rangers for Gallo.
  2. Tracking the Juan Soto trade is like listening to Terry Smith doing play by play.
  3. Give Heyman a break. He is updating from Cashman's office and is distracted.
  4. The time of the year Angle fans are familiar with....the Circling of the Vultures, which is the symbolic end to the season. F&*K off Perry.
  5. But the people have a right to project blame and be outraged. How do you live with yourself?
  6. I don’t understand why he hasn’t been sent down to AAA. He has been worse than Adell. Where is Thais?
  7. Until Brad Ausmuss enters the dugout.
  8. Missed the Bob Melvin window.
  9. Why would Ohtani's agent let Ohtani publicly say such a thing?
  10. I'm not sure "they" ignored the needs of the club last off season. Minasian simply miscalculated in all areas of need.
  11. I would guess whoever is the most trusted. I'm not saying this person is directing baseball decisions but is affecting them in a manner suggesting the baseball plans are developed first then reviewed by the business department. It's the only way that makes sense to me, especially after the Cole-Rendon pivot. Lot's of people blame Arte, but I suspect that the true answer of what happened is more complicated. I just don't believe Arte is involved in the details of the business or baseball departments. He is a CEO of a billion dollar corporation, he hires people to be mired in the minutiae. Lastly, think about the standard position that the budget will be extended for the right player. I suspect the major influencing factor for determining whether the player is the "right player" is the business office and not Arte's impulse. This is my Angel conspiracy theory.
  12. If you consider the average fan who follows a team not named the Angels, what motivation would make addition non-Angel fans attend a game against the Angels? Trout + Ohtani. I am reminded of this every time I see an away game and how many fans are wearing either a Trout or Ohtani jersey. Still looking for a Gosselin jersey. I have no idea about how the business side works, but I do suspect that it's someone on the business side not named Arte who actually influences major decisions.
  13. I didn't think the gate went exclusively to the home team. I thought the visiting team got some of the gate.
  14. I have no inside knowledge but with the way MLB is legally structured and with revenue sharing and other unknown subsidies, I think owners make money even with perennial bad teams. I just don't see a connection between baseball success and profits. My guess with Ohtani is in his marketability. And, I still believe there is more talent on the team than being displayed, with the exceptions of the Gosslin/Mayfield type players.
  15. Which team isn't business first and baseball second?
  16. The Angels are most definitely buyers. They are just trying to buy something different than contending teams. They aren’t stuck.
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