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Angels Never Die

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Posts posted by Angels Never Die

  1. 15 hours ago, Lhalo said:

    What are your political hopes for the country? Just for the record. 

    I only really have enough energy to give you an overview. I guess you could say I'm somewhere between social democrat and democratic socialist. I'm not too far off from Bernie's platform, maybe more left on some things and more neutral on others. I'm fairly pro 2nd amendment and I don't like that so many leftists are willing to die on that hill, it's a waste of time, guns are here to stay and I don't like the idea of the state having a monopoly on guns, they already have enough power over us. I do have different policy positions for the present than I do for the distant future, because some things we're just not ready for. I flirt with socialism sometimes, but I'm not fully convinced of it as a solution, just very realistic about the need to move on quite a bit from capitalism as it exists today. I definitely think there should be a lot more democracy in the workplace, co-ops are something I'd like to see more of-, and I think unions are absolutely vital. Definitely am for single payer health care, progressive tax policy, and stronger financial regulations. Generally anti-intervention in terms of foreign policy, but I'm not really all that informed about it tbh. I'd say my top 3 issues are: infrastructure/environmental overhaul (this is the most pressing issue of our time imo), universal health care, and campaign finance/electoral reform. I do hope one day our society is as automated as technologically possible and no one is required to work for food, shelter, utilities, health care, transportation, etc. I think that should be the ultimate goal of any society.

  2. 1 hour ago, Blarg said:

    You are in California with no worries that Biden won't win the electorates. Now would be the time to stand your ground, live an ethic life. 

    Instead, sell out.

    You're not going to shame me into changing my position. I wouldn't be much of an advocate if I didn't live by what I was advocating. I still vote progressive in primaries and down ballot elections/measures. 

  3. Just now, Blarg said:

    The Democratic party didn't sidestep Democracy by forcing two party picks upon it's constituency?

    If you said you were going to vote independent in protest of having your rights to a democratic process stripped from you then I could respect that. But you don't seem to have a real conviction, just a packaged excuse. 

    Protest voting accomplishes nothing. I did that for a long time and I'm done wasting my time trying to make myself feel like some noble purist or whatever. I want to make things better, even if it's a choice between awful and horrific. My political hopes for this country have more a chance through Biden than through Trump, and there are no other options at this point. How you change things in this country is within the two major parties, that's how it works, and the right wing has executed this strategy very well and I want that for the left, and it's already happening to a degree. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    Someone in SF voting for a Dem (where they have a strangle hold) is going to be the most patriotic thing you'll do in your life?

    Yup, not exactly a flag waver here. Trump is an existential threat to democracy, him losing is massively fucking important for the future of this country. He is trying to dismantle the post office during a pandemic in order to suppress voter turnout for fuck's sake. I hate the DNC, I hate Biden and Harris, but it's nothing compared to the damage Trump has done and will do. So yeah, it's patriotic, I'm going to donate and advocate for Biden, and I'll feel dirty as hell doing it, but I have no choice. 

  5. On 7/29/2020 at 11:52 PM, Blarg said:

    Your primary was fixed. You never had a choice, just like in 2016. And yet you are still going to support this lack of democracy just so you can win... nothing. Biden is not going to lead any reforms. He will settle into the chair and sign what he's told to. To make those that put him there even more enriched. 

    At least if Trump wins it may finally kill off the boomer hold on the DNC and you can see relevant candidates that aren't some legacy of the failed 70's political machine. Flush the over 60 crowd and start over with candidates that are just a sleight bit less polluted by the machine politic. 

    Then you can point fingers at the Republicans as being different because you at least will be choosing your candidates rather than accepting dictatorship by your party.

    Until then you are just a bunch of whining losers. 

    It's not about loyalty, it's not about team politics, it's purely self defense to vote against Trump, and not just for me as an individual, but for the survival of this country. Voting against Trump will be the most patriotic thing I'll ever do in my life. It has absolutely nothing to do with the democratic party, ZERO. Trump will do nothing to advance left politics, not directly, not indirectly, not in any way. He is the absolute antithesis of my political, social, and ethical beliefs. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

    I get the harm reduction because Trump is an idiot and can't keep his mouth or rather twitter feed shut and all he cares about is stroking his own ego rather than being a leader which he absolutely is not as a president.  That said the harm that's been going on in this country goes back decades and both parties are absolutely responsible.  I don't really care a whole lot about our standing in the world because as long as I've been alive we get criticized no matter what we do yet a lot of other countries always turn to us to get involved or expect our troops to stay, i.e. Germany recently.  The EU has benefited because they've expected the US to step in which we've done and that's been the case all over the world for decades.  If we want to do some real harm reduction there needs to be massive changes when it comes to fiscal policy, our military use and corporate influence among other things.  Frankly I don't see anything being promoted by either side that addresses any of the issues really plaguing the country because unpopular choices need to be made before it's too late and neither side will do that because they would feel it at the polls. 

    For me, getting rid of Trump is triage for this country, I have no delusions that we'll be making great long term strides with Biden, but at least with Biden, it's possible to make some progress from where we are now. The time to be pissed about Biden's status quo BS is over, I did that back in the primaries and it's in the past now. Things are really really bad right now. There's a massive amount of people on the verge of eviction, they're trying to force kids to go to school when we don't have the means and infrastructure to keep them safe, non-essential businesses are re-opening when we're nowhere near ready, feds are nabbing people off the street and shitting all over the 4th amendment. This is insanely bad, next level bad. This is no time for protest voting/non-voting. Biden is better than Trump, and that's all it takes for me to vote for him and advocate for people to vote for him. We don't have the luxury to sit this one out, it doesn't accomplish anything.

  7. 3 hours ago, Jason said:

    Lol! Is this a serious post? I can’t stand the guy and he’s terrible but I’ll vote for him? I refuse to vote for anyone I do not like or want in office. I’m not loyal enough to any party to allow that. 

    It's not about loyalty, it's about harm reduction. It's that simple. I used to think like you do, I cared more about my pride and not wanting to feel "dirty" by voting for someone I don't like. I'm a pragmatist though, and me feeling less "dirty" is extremely insignificant compared to the importance of the world being a better place than the alternative. I wanted Bernie to win as much as the next person, but it's over now and we have to move on and accept reality as it is.

  8. Just now, calscuf said:

    So if they had just arrested him for murdering a child, your opinion on how he was treated during his arrest, which he resisted, would not change?

    Correct. People might have less compassion for him personally in that hypothetical case, which I would understand, but that's a different matter.

  9. 9 minutes ago, calscuf said:

    So basically AND, as I expected, you have no response except “he didn’t deserve to die”.  Fine, let’s talk about the quality of the person who has been the catalyst to the destruction of some major US cities.  I will concede that knowingly spreading a deadly disease and committing fraud and theft does not deserve a death sentence.  

    It's police brutality, that's the only issue that's ever been relevant here. I couldn't give a fuck less about judging his character and I'll never engage in that red herring conversation.

  10. 18 minutes ago, calscuf said:

    Can we also have a discussion about how George Floyd had Covid, knew he had Covid, and yet was out at a liquor store passing bad $20’s?  

    Despite me getting it, I’ve always been mostly careful, I support masks, social distancing and closures if they have to happen.

    This asshole was out and about, maskless, just spreading the virus William Nilly.

    I’m interested to know the opinions of our board lefties.  And if any of you pansies says “well he didn’t deserve to die!”  Consider that he knowingly infected other people with a disease that probably killed someone because of his callousness.  A true hero, no?

    It's irrelevant to the issue of police brutality. 

  11. On 7/25/2020 at 7:58 AM, wopphil said:

    Is there really any doubt that Trump banged some of Epstein’s underage girls? Isn’t he on record bragging about how great of a guy Epstein is and how they share a common like for *young* ladies? And isn’t he the same guy who would barge in to the Miss Teen USA pageant changing room, then bragged to Howard Stern about it? 

    And this is the face of the Republican Party. The same party that impeached Bill Clinton for banging a legal age intern. 


    Someone accused him of just that exactly.

  12. 21 hours ago, Redondo said:

    That's disappointing and unhelpful. Obviously no Bernie supporter (which I am) is happy to vote for Biden, he sucks, but it's a mediocre centrist or the man and party that's suiciding this country more than anyone. We need to stop the bleeding and get Trump out of there, then we can spit our bile at Biden and bully the fuck out of him to the left. 

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