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Posts posted by Kotchman

  1. 58 minutes ago, UndertheHalo said:

    You obviously have some issue that people aren’t completely held hostage to these shit jobs and fuck head owners that think they shouldn’t pay them anything.  You said it.  The worker has the right to decline to work if the pay isn’t sufficient.  Good.  Raise the pay.  Stop fucking crying on social media and get people back in your shop.  Other wise fuck off.  Do it yourself or close up. 

    I have more of an issue with someone getting paid to do nothing. You think the shop owner is a dick. What about the woman sitting on her ass with 3 kids and making more money in welfare than a working adult 

  2. 58 minutes ago, UndertheHalo said:

    The labor/capital relationship in this country is so fucking tilted the last 40 years that these “owners” seriously think that some wrong is being done to them because finally and temporarily people have the slightest leverage against them.  Truly indecent.  

    If you want help raise the wages of low income workers. you might start with cutting off the faucet of immigration. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Rico said:

    It was an MLK Commemoration event, not BLM event.  Though neither are the same as a protest.

    It's safe to say most black people support BLM.  Does that mean no black people should be in the jury?

    How would you feel if half the jury were KKK or NAAWP   members?

  4. I remember  a few people questioning the process of this trial a few weeks ago. Did we really need a picture of a lying jury member to change opinions? I mean we spent a year with panties on our head with nothing but a video game as evidence. People still want to wear the panties now that mortality data suggest no real advantage. 

  5. I am just glad there were conservative Christians around 500 years ago. Can you imagine trying to get the libs in this forum on a boat with all the viruses of that time?  I can hear them now" To hell with Freedom, Let's keep sucking the King's pecker until viral deaths have been eradicated." 

  6. 3 hours ago, cals said:

    There is about as much of a chance of him actually being recalled as there is @Blarg being named People Magazine's 2021 Most Handsome Man in Hollywood.

    There are 40 million people in CA. They got 1.5 million signatures.

    California is opening up again. We have the lowest covid rates in the country.  This state is overwhelmingly Democratic.

    It's just a waste of time/effort/money from a bunch of nutbag Trumpers.


    I think Bruce won the sexiest woman a few years back. That could be an option if sexiest man falls through

  7. 1 minute ago, gotbeer said:

    It is Florida.  The state that is open, had Spring Break, open amusement parks, no huge surge.  

    So it's a maybe.

    It is weird how Florida has come full circle and trending more to the right. The bastard child of the south  finally achieves while beloved Georgia, Va, and NC are becoming liberal cesspools 

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