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Everything posted by AngelsLakersFan

  1. The logic isn't that different. The market was low for Edmonds cuz of his injury, we didn't have a second basemen and were in need of a pitcher.
  2. Just because there is no interest in Bourjos that doesn't excuse trading him for pennies on the dollar. We could've traded Trumbo, who I'm sure there would be some significant interest in...
  3. This should also mean the Angels have one less year of control over Freeze...
  4. I don't believe the hip ever kept him out of a game...
  5. Let's be fair - he pulled his hamstring around midnight on a cold night in the 14th inning of a game which saw about three DL trips and he had his hand broken on a HBP, something that happens to players all the time. This was bad luck. There is no reason to expect his injury troubles to continue, at least not nearly as much as we should be expecting David Freeze's back issues to continue.
  6. There definitely needs to be some pitching coming this way for me to be OK with the trade.
  7. I have no problem with the trade from an offensive standpoint. Freeze is probably a good bet to provide more offense than Peter. The problem is that the team issue has been run prevention, and we are turning one of the best defensive players in the game into one of the worst.
  8. Ya, Bourjos for Freeze is like Joe Blanton signing all over again. If this happens there is no way we can win the Offseason Championship.
  9. I do wonder if Aybar will be involved. He seemed like the real piece that St.L. would've wanted.
  10. I've proposed the Aybar & Bourjos for Shelby Miller deal before as I think it is a 'fair trade' but somehow I think we didn't get nowhere near that return.
  11. Ya, I'll take Bourjos for whatever Pujols left in St. Louis... Edit: DAMNIT AJ & Rick!
  12. Arod does have the right to walk out, but his attorneys staid, and a ruling has to come down.
  13. Ultimately though, ARod will never get his day in a real court. The rules of the collective bargaining agreement and US law in relation to them essentially dictate that Selig can do whatever he wants.
  14. I'm not sure anyone thinks he is 'innocent.' Well ARod might believe he's innocent but that's not the point. The point is that ARod is being singled out, worse even than Bonds was. Guys like Andy Pettite are applauded and their guilt swept under the rug because they say all the right things, but guys like Bonds and Arod are ran out of the league, and in Alex case he'll conveniently lose the record number of millions owed to him in the process. I have yet to see it demonstrated that ARod did anything worse than any of these other guys.
  15. Ya but it's only $32 million. The fourth year is practically free, or paid out from the excess value in the first three years.
  16. I can't remember a situation in MLB that smelled this bad since the last time the owners were in collusion. Selig is smart, he knows ARod is unlikeable, and that the mob mentality surrounding steroid users - especially those with huge contracts and records - is always willing to burn another witch at the stake. Just read through this thread and see it first hand. Isn't also funny that Selig recently announced his retirement? Perhaps he'll get a plack out in monument park?
  17. As anticipated Vargas wouldn't sign for less than $30 million. DiPoto is playing hardball with the rotation again, pinching pennies at the risk of entering yet another season with a replacement level pitching staff.
  18. If you want to talk 'talent' then sure you can really throw it all away. I always anticipated Glaus becoming that amazing player that his talent suggested but outside of those first couple of seasons when offense was at its peak in MLB he never really showed it. I did always like his defense at third, and his career did end far too soon. At the same time Erstad was a #1 pick, he was responsible for arguably the best season in franchise history until Trout got here. He was the best defensive center fielder to play on this team since I started following it, but unfortunately all those catches seemed to hurt him more than they helped but he stuck it out though. Salmon didn't have Glaus' power or Erstad's defensive skills, and it is his defensive value that brings down his career some, but he was easily the best overall hitter this organization has produced outside of Jim Edmonds. Looking closer at the numbers I do suppose I was discounting Glaus' numbers outside of Anaheim a little too much. And a lot of the difference between the three comes down to how you rate their defense.
  19. This is the risk of going the trade route. It's very possible we don't find a good fit out there and if that is the case Jerry might end up having to eat a lot of value to get it done. I seriously hope it's not the difference between Bourjos and Freese that we lose out on because that is a fireable offense.
  20. Salmon and Erstad all had significantly better careers than Glaus.
  21. I think it has less to do with ARod being near the end of his career than it has the large amounts of dead money left on his deal. This suspension saves the Yankees somewhere north of $30 million and opens up the possibility of voiding the rest of his contract.
  22. Good article on the history of the Best Interest In Baseball clause http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20130801&content_id=55523182&vkey=news_mlb&c_id=mlb And really good article from Wendy Thurm at FG's about today's events: http://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/a-rod-storms-out-of-arbitration-but-relief-in-court-unlikely/
  23. Rodriguez is not being suspended under the rules of the Joint Drug Agreement but rather under the commissioners 'best interest of baseball' clause.
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