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Everything posted by AngelsLakersFan

  1. Don't think there were any clips from last year in that video. He's shortened his swing up considerably.
  2. It's been an organizational imperative since 2009. I'm not sure what happens first, the team completely bottoms out or ends up saved by an influx of young pitching talent we are supposedly trying to farm.
  3. It takes extreme times man.... extreme times...
  4. It's concerning. I've never been concerned with Bourjos ability to stay on the field but Freeze has legitimate concerns.
  5. Rivera was a great 'buy low' candidate. He had put up really great numbers for a season with Montreal but had some trouble finding playing time after that. Not that different of a situation as Bourjos really.
  6. This is the issue here. There is no direction. The Callaspo for Green trade makes sense until we apparently decide we have no use for Green - just like Oakland realized.
  7. I love that people here are calling Bourjos fragile for getting hit by a pitch, while you come here and refer to Freeze's 'back issues,' 'rebuilt ankles' and 'rumors of other issues.'
  8. There were two players on this team I really enjoyed watching play. One is now gone. I really hope Calhoun can become that second guy now...
  9. What's funny is that Cameron rips the trade and he didn't even realize we gave up Grichuk as well.
  10. There is no reason to expect Bourjos to spend more time on the DL next year than Freeze.
  11. 1. Cardinals trade Kent Bottenfield for oft injured defensive whiz CF from Angels 2. Get about a decade worth of HOF caliber play from Edmonds 3. Trade Edmonds for Freese 4. 2011 World Series 5. Trade Freese for another oft injured defensive whiz CF from Angels 6. The cycle repeats
  12. This team is NOT better with Calhoun starting. This lineup is more efficient with Calhoun in it (a natural corner OFer) than Bourjos, but attempting to take advantage of that efficiency does not mean you trade Bourjos for pennies on the dollar. It's like winning a new Civic on the Price Is Right so you decide to sell your newish Mercedes for $10k.
  13. This makes the move to trade Callaspo look REALLY BAD now. And that's a move I liked at the time.
  14. I hate to agree. Not sure what his issue is, he seems very bright but these agents and GM's are constantly taking him to the cleaners. Perhaps he has no balls.
  15. I think it says a lot that the Cardinals are more than willing to take this risk.
  16. Scathing. And he didn't even know the Angels give up their top OF prospect in the deal. LOL
  17. Maybe I'm going out on a limb here but next year I think it's reasonable to expect Bourjos to put up a higher WAR than Calhoun, Trumbo, & Freeze, and potentially higher than the two lowest combined (though I won't predict that much).
  18. Right, but one thing is for sure and its that this trade reeks of desperation.
  19. This might have something to do with the WIN NOW OR GET FIRED mandate DiPoto and Scioscia seem to have.
  20. I like Calhoun but I think we might be giving him a little too much credit for short term performance. His 2013 was great but I'm not sure he is a better player than Bourjos (even though I think he fits the teams needs better than both Peter & Trumbo).
  21. You forgot to add that the Cards got cheaper and gained an extra year of club control.
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