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Posts posted by rottiesworld

  1. Well if this is the case and Mr. Moreno is going to spend money on peanut players and not get real  players to get us to the top, He might as well sell the team. I'm tired of every off season seeing them get players that the fans want and not peanut players, and it has been the same for years now. He has money out off his ass and the team always complains. Maybe the fans should just not go to the games because we have families and don't get paid very much so we are on a budget as well, and see what he does when no one goes to the games and loses money. We still need a 3rd baseman and I say 1 more pitcher just in case there are injuries, If the pitching holds up and no injuries you can always trade at the trade deadline and get something we need.

  2. Damn if I was Trout I would ask for a trade like now. They are a crap organization and owner who refuses to open his wallet because he screwed up on signing players. If your scared to spin money sell the damn team. We should just refuse to go to games until he spends money on good players, not broken down players with band aid to keep them together. The way Eppler is going he is not getting a field goal, or touchdown, more like a touchback, or safety.

  3. Well the Angel fans are waiting for them to do something special, and every year is the same crap. Why are they getting all this crap. I don't know who was behind getting Albert Pujols to that stupid contract. If it was Moreno he only has himself to blame. The fans have supported the team every year but soon we will get tired of his crap. Moreno needs to open his wallet and spend and in a few years Pujols contract will be up as a player. I hope something good is coming out of all this crap and they are getting some players.

  4. 18 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

    Not interested in bashing Pujols here.

    I am just so acutely aware that the Angels really cannot COUNT ON Pujols for any specific number of games.

    Will he be able to play 120 games or 20 games?

    The pure reality is the team needs to be fully prepared for him not being able to play more than 20 games.

    I don't really think this was nearly as obvious in previous years.  Common sense says the plan for this year needs to be different to not get caught with Pujols hurt and nobody decent ready to play everyday.

    Is Daniel Murphy the solution? Do you trade for a Justin Smoak or Brandon Belt?

    Is anyone else going to be bothered if we reach February and there is no other body on the roster you can envision playing first base for 140 games?

    I understand the challenges of having a 1B only player fitting on the roster.  That creates other challenges.  But how does that compare to the challenge of Pujols going down with a fully predictable season-ending surgery on April 26th and having no backup plan?

    Of course you need depth at every position but this is unique because it is so obvious that there is a huge risk that Pujols could be done for the season after 10 games.

    It is reckless to not have a fully capable body ready from day one.

    Fully capable.  Not "fill in for a bit" while somebody is on the 30 day DL.

    They need to be fully capable of playing 140 games because it is so crystal clear that you cannot count on Pujols to be healthy for any number of games.

    For all his imperfections (like OB%) that make him not ideal to sign him to play 3B, isn't Moustakas really a fairly savvy move considering he could just slide over to 1B if Pujols got hurt?

    There must be a deliberate move made to cover the vulnerability.

    It depends on how many peanuts they give him

  5. I guess if Harper turns  that much money and years down, maybe he just doesn’t want to play for Washington. As for him coming here there is no way as we need to take care of Trout’s extension, and we need pitchers and relievers, and a catcher unless Mr. Moreno is going to blow past his spending limits on payroll.

  6. LA has the most fucked up people with no respect. Just because you have a fucked up losing team, don’t take it out on the fans. It is worse when LA’s fucked up people can’t fight 1 on 1 and need the whole city to help, guess they don’t want to lose the fight either. I hope the victim gets well soon.

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