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Angel Oracle

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Everything posted by Angel Oracle

  1. Still waiting for us to acquire Manny, Moe, Jack, Moe, Larry, and Curly
  2. Yep, some of them are about as good on the mic as I am with disecting that formula on the blackboard in Good Will Hunting. Hey, I said I have a Math degree. I didn't say that I used it like Will Hunting would have. And then there's the Ultimate Warrior, who used a language none of us understood. DR is right about Paul Heyman. He is a master on the mic.
  3. As I have a girl friend who lives in Redlands, this beer hits close to home. Love the wheat version.
  4. Stone Cold retired due to a bad neck. The Rock returned a year ago in preparation for WM XXVIII, then disappeared. He reappeared last July in a storyline on and off through this upcoming WM XXIX. He still basically balances his time between movies and the WWE, just like Chris Jericho does with his rock band Fozzy, hosting game shows, and wrestling. Both of them are geniuses, becaue the less wrestling they do, the longer they will stay healthy enough.
  5. What has caused these fools to go off the deep end (even for them) over these past few months?
  6. Not much depth left again, just 3 players on the bench Who starts at the SF spot now? Clark has slumped badly lately. Jamison is hurting.
  7. Anything in Caddieshack, Airplane!, or Animal House
  8. Downs may not make it through 2013 either. Speier lost it quickly too, and Downs is heading that way.
  9. I did forget Downs, partly out of his crappy 2nd half of 2012 and partly because the guy is so injury prone now. I'm glad this is his final season under contract. Dude now looks like Speier did, when we released him.
  10. Since 2009, his ERA has been around 3.50, his Ks/BBs ratio just over 2/1, and his WHIP around 1.30. Problem is, he's only thrown 98 MLB innings the past 3 seasons due to injuries.
  11. Gary Lucas? I'm expecting DeWayne Buice to resurface at any time. LOL Percy, wrong Lowe
  12. MWP out for 6 weeks http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/nba/story/_/id/9104960/metta-world-peace-surgery-torn-meniscus Stick a fork in their post-season chances, congrats Dallas, the 8th spot will be yours!
  13. 14-13, as they are usually mediocre in April. That is better than starting 6-14, to be sure.
  14. I hope a couple of these surprises in the pen in ST turn out to be the real deal.
  15. Better analogy = 1979 Halos Tons of runs scored, tons of runs allowed when the 4th and 5th starters pitch, and a so-so number of runs allowed when Wilson and Vargas pitch.
  16. Smart's style (uptempo) though would fit better here than in Minnesota. Howland's style (deliberate, tough defense) would play better in the Big-10.
  17. LCF is 399 feet away and LF is some 385 feet away. I'm guessing he won't hit many HRs to LF/LCF/CF in new Skankee Stadium. He will either have to pull down the line, or go waaaay the other way to straightaway RF or down the RF line.
  18. Weaver: The usual, an ideal ace Wilson: If he would trust his d_mn stuff and stop nibbling, he would be a true #2. Vargas: A solid #4 and a decent #3 Blanton: Based on past, he's Blantana and will allow 35 HRs. Based on ST, "maybe" a solid #4? Hanson: Will he even make say 25 starts, with his recent health history? Madson: Maybe ready by May 1, but how long to round into form? Frieri: Struggling with the newly added pitch in ST, will he ever find enough command? Jepsen: Will 2nd half of 2012 be like 2nd half of 2009, a fluke? Or is he finally here to stay? Burnett: Can he stay healthy? Richards: Can he find any kind of consistency in the pen? Williams: Solid utility pitcher, when on; when not on, not very good. Lowe: Decent stats since 2009, but also injury prone since 2010. This pitching staff has a TON of question marks!
  19. They were just showing how they missed Kevin "Fighting Mad" O'Neill?
  20. That Rudy Gay trade is still mind boggling. He is one of the top wings in the league at both ends of the court. To their credit though, they're hanging in there after the trade. As for Gasol/D'Antoni, I do agree that an old Lakers team is an ill fit for D'Antoni. But, even though one would think that the high post Gasol and low post Howard would be a great fit, it's been anything but that so far in the games that they've appeared in together.
  21. Seeing that WM XXIX is being held outdoors on April 7 at the new Meadowlands stadium, and seeing that the high/low temps for April 5 are predicted to be 50/42, I hope they are rehearsing in long johns. Not one of Vincent K. McMahon's smartest decisions ever, to be sure!
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