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Everything posted by robblin17

  1. This team literally sucks at everything. I was hoping we might be good at challenges, but NOOOOOO!
  2. Why tf are we challenging this? So fat man can roll into a DP? Can he even hit it out of this park?
  3. One of the worst teams in the league is not going to go 11-3. It’s time to stop acting like the Angels are good. My question to those people would be, “Based on what?” Everyone always talks about how good we look on paper and what if so and so produces this line, but the reality is, they never do. This team is trash. We have some good hitters in Trout, Rendon, Fletcher, Ohtani, Goodwin, etc., but we also have some pathetic players in the lineup, too. Or certain players become pathetic when we might need them most. Also, good pitching more often than not beats good hitting. Our pitching sucks. It’s just a bunch of average to below-average joes and one guy that might exceed expectations.
  4. Tommy. Way to go! Thank you for dumping your nuts out. Let’s sweep these guys!
  5. Can Fat Albert hit two more home runs so we can cut his ass? He is beyond worthless.
  6. It’s been great. Spent the day on the water today and headed to Emerald Bay. Weather has been 90+, which is perfect for the cool Tahoe water. Cheers, my friend!
  7. I’m exhausted and drunk again. Don’t have enough energy to bitch about the Angels today though. I actually didn’t watch a single pitch this entire weekend, which is probably why my takes were out of pure rage vs. any coherent sense. Boosted my notification count though! Spent the day out on Lake Tahoe for vacation not giving a shit about the Angels, yet here I am. Fandom is a vicious cycle. I know that we still suck though. I’ll be back on Thursday tuned in to every sorry ass pitch.
  8. Moreno cares about the money. He puts on a facade about wanting to win (and I’m sure he does to a degree), but the reality is that 3M fans and a new development deal is all that really matters. The same could be said about a lot of owners, but Arte’s failures have been big and magnified ones compared to many others.
  9. I was a little hamboned. Point still stands to a lesser degree.
  10. This entire organization is a piece of shit and needs to be burnt to the ground. Other than Trout, there is not a single redeeming quality about the joke known as Angels. The owner sucks, the players suck, the stadium sucks. It is what it is.
  11. He’s just average. Nothing more, nothing less. He’s a 4 on a good team. Nowhere near a top of the rotation guy.
  12. Nice to see no Upton and Pujols. Nothing like celebrating $60M sitting on the bench. Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
  13. What is the point of this thread? I would’ve loved to have had Segura over the years.
  14. Pretty sure Trout just told Upton that he fucking sucks. IMG_1089.MOV
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