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Everything posted by HaloCory22

  1. I have no doubt this will go viral. The Angels will have to respond.
  2. That's hilarious. I mean, sucks for her but the fact that happened is mind blowing. Some people are idiots (in this case, the usher)
  3. I now question Arte's ability to run this franchise.
  4. Last night was embarrassing. So many empty seats. I'd be shocked if 37K showed up.
  5. I'm not a fan of Scioscia AT ALL, but come on. You can't blame him for this. He's not the one at the plate grounding into double plays or striking out with the bases loaded. This is all on the players.
  6. Judging by their play in April, they already skipped it.
  7. Can we get a jumbotron that rivals the Cowboys?
  8. This might get near a packed house, but I doubt it.
  9. Hall is legit. Still so young and plenty of upside. Dude is going to be a star for many years.
  10. Just load Weaver up with some deer antler spray and he'll be back on the mound for his next start.
  11. Damn that really sucks. Time for this rotation to step up big!
  12. I'll be there. Taking off work early. Gotta pregame this right.
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