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Brian Ilten

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Everything posted by Brian Ilten

  1. Easy now. I think "hate monger" is a little bit over the top. For years umpires have been the necessary evil in the game of baseball. Technology has advanced enough that their role can be lessened.... and should be. At the very least, dolts like Marty Foster, Doug Eddings, Joe West, et al should be held accountable for their deplorable actions. If MLB or the Umpires Union can't do it, then expect the fans to do it, in a verbal way.
  2. LOL - I am not the one being "biased" here. You are one of only a handful of people (outside of Rag Fans) that have said it was even close. YOU are in the minority AJ. Not me, not MLBRadio, not the radio guys from both the Rags and TB, not Joe Nathan himself, not the umpire who blew the call.
  3. Speaking of cats, skin_flute is a lot like a feral cat... keep feeding it and it hangs around.
  4. Exactly Derek... which begs the question, what the hell was up with the xray and/or MRI done that came back negative???
  5. Look skin.... I think its time for you and your little flute to go elsewhere to play. I am certain there are plenty of rats at RedSox Nation that would follow you all day long.
  6. Because; 1) Rag fan isn't smart enough to come up with their own board 2) DFW/Arlington isn't a baseball town so Rag fan has to look to LA/Anaheim
  7. Of course it should have been. Thanks for the commentary Rags fan.
  8. You don't read well either. That is, unless its something that fits into your argument. It was not close. Rags broadcasters, Joe Nathan, and even Marty the umpire admitted it.
  9. Can always count on the LATimes to throw an article like that up on the day of the Home Opener. Anything they can do to spoil the mood.
  10. Dude, your getting to be laughable. Quit trying to convince everyone (including yourself) that it was even close. Own it. Your Rags lucked out last night. Just OWN IT.
  11. I will be arriving between 4:30 and 5:00. I will have raffle tix with a few Peter Bourjos Bobbleheads to give away.
  12. I love the human element of the game. When the human element is on the players. We have the technology to make ball/strike calls more accurate and FASTER then what these feeble umpires are capable of doing. MLB needs to nut up and do something. Instead, Marty is probably going to be rewarded with umping the WS in 2013
  13. Then you obviously don't pay much attention to the baseball world outside of Fangraphs. Try listening to MLBRadio this a.m. - its all they are talking about. Listen to the radio replays by BOTH the Rags and TB broadcasters. It was a HORRIBLE call.
  14. Trout isn't hitting yet... why go screwing around with the lineup if guys are living up to their potential?
  15. I am having the exact same problem as Brandon. I am no longer accessing AW by phone because I can not access the features from that menu.
  16. I have the EVO and it is the best phone I have ever had. That being said, I am thinking of ditching it in 22days when I am due for an upgrade for the iPhone 5. Here's the deal with the htc EVO - bloatware and LOTS of it. It only has 500MB which is nothing for a phone already. Over 100Mb is dedicated to crap apps that never in my wildest dream would I use on my phone (ie; Nascar, Kindle, Sprint Football live, Blockbuster, Nova, etc) I am constantly having to deinstall apps just to reinstall the updates. As far a battery goes for it - juice defender works great and I just recharge every night.
  17. And I would say you are embarrassing yourself by spending more time reading about what Angels fans think than what Rags fans think.
  18. Not sure anyone who doesn't know what its like to have all the money in the world and more can actually make that statement with certainty.
  19. I agree... I hope he is able to fulfill the contract. As far as how the MLBPA feels about it if he should not be able to? They can go screw themselves. They could use a lesson in scruples and character.
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