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Everything posted by tennischmp

  1. Teachers will be teaching, remotely. I haven't heard 1 school district not starting at all.
  2. There should still be an option for in person voting
  3. RIP Is it too soon to be making election fraud jokes with his ballot?
  4. Except this year the superdelegates aren't counted on the first ballot.
  5. You have zero proof of what you are saying, but keep saying it, that will make it true
  6. Says a guy whose party chose a 70 year old lunatic and is allowing him to run for re-election at age 74
  7. You know what’s worse than picking a senile candidate? Picking a lunatic and allowing him to run for re-election.
  8. I would rather Trump stfu and let the doctors do the treating.
  9. It’s actually Trump who is using this politically, against himself
  10. Yea lets compare deaths caused by mostly people's own poor choices(as you eloquently stated) to deaths that are caused by nothing more than a freedom fighter coughing in the path of someone walking down the street. A more accurate comparison would be deaths from stray bullets. How many of those are there a day? And what if there were 1000 per day? And deaths haven't been declining, but rather increased this whole month of July Btw idk where you are getting your statistics but they don't look right
  11. See so you are ok with 1000 people dying daily. So please excuse me if I don’t take your caring of NY deaths seriously. Also it’s wasn’t just to flatten the curve it was also a 14 day decrease in cases and hospitalizations. And once that is achieved and states begin opening up, to pause if there is an increase in the cases. That is straight from the White House task force guidelines.
  12. Umm wat? The more people that have a virus that can kill, the more deaths there will be. No offense but I don’t think you care much about about deaths since you seem to be ok with doing what the US is doing and 1000 people dying daily.
  13. He brought up the deaths and I responded with the same. For the record I don't think either managed it properly, but NY did control the spread of the virus better than all other states. It is unfortunate that so many died in NY but now what we can only hope for is that the rest of the country controls it as well as NY did because if not, NY may not be the state with the most deaths when this is all said and done.
  14. If you call 32000 deaths gross mismanagement what is 150000 deaths?
  15. NY reopened a month later than any other other state and opened much slower. NYC has only hit Phase 4 a week ago. I would say that is pretty drastically different from the rest.
  16. Biden completed plenty of thoughts during the primary debates, Trump can't complete 2 sentences without lying
  17. He won’t debate him if there is a fact checker, I can guarantee you that
  18. Who wants to debate with someone who lies 95% of the time?
  19. We do need to MAGA 2020 after these 4 years. I would have let her do it and given her blue paint
  20. Please outline the detailed steps of how the government should have handled it better
  21. Did he remember to delete the tweet of him mocking Biden for wearing a mask? Or was he too hung over from his fundraising event where he was not wearing a mask? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/newsalerts/video-2214448/video-Trump-attends-fundraiser-without-mask.html Who are you kidding? He finally came to the realization his reelection is in jeopardy.
  22. You asked for what the FEDERAL government could have done and I answered and you ignored most of it. You will probably ask that again tomorrow so I have it copied to paste it for you just in case. Regarding the PPE, yes the localities are at fault too but that doesn’t mean that the federal government wasn’t ill prepared as well with their national stockpile and the response to the shortage in January and February after the WHO already declared it a global health emergency. And again you asked what the FEDERAL government could have done.
  23. It's funny how you keep asking the same question and ignoring the answers Btw you blame the mask usage on needing to secure resources for medical and first responders, well whose fault was it there was a shortage of PPE to begin with? Obama? 3 years into Trump's term?
  24. That's funny you ask because the White House Coronavirus Task Force just recently produced an unpublished document for each state of effective steps that could be immediately implemented. There looks like there is no actual effort from the WH to implement those. https://publicintegrity.org/health/coronavirus-and-inequality/exclusive-white-house-document-shows-18-states-in-coronavirus-red-zone-covid-19/
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