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Everything posted by tennischmp

  1. It’s not you or those that follow social distancing they are worried about it’s the those that don’t. And if the cities don’t have enough personal or money to babysit those that don’t and make sure they do, the other option is to close the area down all together.
  2. That's because California opened too early as well. You remember those Gating Criteria that Dr. Fauci et al came up with that states were to follow before opening? No state aside from maybe NY and NJ followed them and they just opened up recently.
  3. Seems like Biden knows Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall
  4. It's just silly to believe this whole "if more mail in ballots the Trump will lose due to fraud", no if Trump will lose due to mail ballots it will be because more people vote for Biden not due to fraud. Yet I keep seeing it posted and reposted it on social media and even here. First of all vote by mail have been going on in a limited capacity for years and there is very little evidence of vote fraud and second if it does happen it will happen on both sides so chances are even lower it will impact the election. What it will do will allow people to safely vote
  5. I guess on Biden voters will commit fraud, Trump voters will politely toss the ballot in the trash if it's not theirs
  6. It’s not just Texas people are like that all over the country. People screening my freedom during lockdown, people screening my rights not wanting to wear masks. That’s why I don’t believe in local lockdowns, those people will just go to a different locality or state and ruin it for those that follow the lockdown.
  7. Unfortunately with the way things are trending another lockdown is inevitable.
  8. That makes zero sense and I never understood it. I can drive 10 minutes to the next county if my county is on lockdown to a bar and either give the virus to that county or bring in back to my county. That’s the problem with local and even state handling. If states can’t stop people from coming it defeats the purpose of a lockdown if people can just go to next state over.
  9. 11 billion(and counting) is a hell of a lot of money to spend for something that Mexico was supposed to pay for. What about this one? “Everyone that wants a test can get a test” -stable genius
  10. Is the nothing in between going to war and doing nothing?
  11. Trump is pro America* *Only those that are located within the continental US and so long as it doesn't upset Putin
  12. Trump said he is going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it, so? We can go back and forth about their lies. But this golf thing is not just a lie it’s blatantly hypocritical
  13. Sure but trump actually made a big deal during his campaign about Obama playing golf and then said he won’t have time to play golf and he is playing more than Obama was. It wasn’t just some pundits or random people on social media it was trump himself.
  14. Did you not hear mr. bunker is staying back to personally protect the confederate monuments from the protesters
  15. Must be nice to be the president of the United States and always find someone to blame for everything that happens under his watch
  16. Yes the same way you won’t gain weight if you don’t step on the scale
  17. Don’t really get your 1st point, I was just having a back and forth. As far as the 2nd point, for 1, you lead by example, you wear masks, you don’t hold rallies and invite people to congregate inside without social distancing. Also you hold press conferences and explain the science of why masks and social distance works, you show the charts and explain the severity of the spread. And if that doesn’t work you enforce through the localities. Lots of cities have been enforcing masks both Republican and Democrat mayors, just not enough right now
  18. I’m glad you survived so far but there are 125000 dead on his watch and counting
  19. Not only but that’s why I didn’t say full control I said better control. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out whose supporters wear masks less. That’s why he is against it because he believes that panders to his base.
  20. If we send everyone MAGA masks we would have a better control of this virus.
  21. I’m not saying forever but longer than we did before the states started to reopen. Remember those reopening criteria that the Coronavirus task force came out with? None of the states actually followed them before reopening.
  22. Imagine if trump gave daily press conferences like Cuomo did
  23. Yes it’s not really being shut down it’s being responsible. Wearing a mask, going to work and coming home, going to get the essentials and back. You don’t need to sit at the bar to have a beer, drink at home. No gatherings with people you don’t know. And if you are contacted and told you may have been exposed to quarantine your ass. Pretend this virus is an std transmitted through droplets. But this starts with the president leading by example, acting like he cares and communicating a clear message to the people he leads.
  24. Maybe but the New England states were able to do a good job controlling the virus and those were Americans following the lead of leaders willing to lead.
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