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Everything posted by TroutField

  1. And the m’s win yet another 1 run game this is going to make their second half collapse all the sweeter
  2. It’s a Day game after a night game and Maldy is the starter, so not happening
  3. Denard Span go ahead 2 run double, everything and I mean EVERYTHING going right for them...
  4. Yeah if he works on his control he can be a solid back end reliever paired with middleton when he’s back.
  5. I didn’t say we have better options I was merely stating that he has been lucky, walking that many people and keeping an ERA in the low 3s is unsustainable. I was just saying that’s the reason people hate him, relievers walking batters creates rallies. i have nothing against Anderson btw, he has been a life saver for the bullpen, imo
  6. Sucks that Valbuena is guaranteed to stick around with cozart and Simmons out, I was hoping he would get dfa’d rather quickly
  7. Trouty 3-3 with a walk he is god Nice game from Briceno again, Maldonado’s predecessor? Seems to handle pitchers well
  8. Idk about the rest of baseball but I know for me... I live in the Palm Springs area, so that’s a 2 hr drive each way to the stadium plus a full tank of gas, plus parking, plus food and drink at the stadium... all for the bullpen to blow it in the 9th? I feel robbed if the Angels get blown out or don’t play well.
  9. Haven’t been this excited about a prospect (Jo Adell) since Trout was mowing through the minors.
  10. Lol at a Mariners fan saying we haven’t won’t anything since 03. How many playoff appearances do the M’s have compared to the Angels since 03? We have had Tony Reagins and Jerry Dipoto as GMs since Stoneman. So bad GM’s has been a constant until Eppler came along.
  11. How can we still give Scisocia shit for mismanaging a gas can pen? He literally can’t rely on any pitcher consistently outside of Parker recently. These players need to produce this isn’t his fault. I swear this team was founded on a cursed Indian burial site. We get one of the best players in the history of baseball and we can’t get him to the playoffs, we get the most exciting player in baseball and he possibly needs Tommy John 2 1/2 months after taking the MLB by storm.
  12. I wish they would do something like call Up Thaiss to get 1st base reps as Valbuena gets dfa’d. Fletcher gets SS until Cozart or Simba are back, and Fernandez plays 3rd. The bigger question is who replaces Richards spot in the rotation? Canning possibly, or is that too bold for the Angels?
  13. So you’re saying we won’t lose tomorrow ? That’s comforting
  14. I worked all day, got off work checked the score and laughed. Figured this place was on suicide watch, sure enough .... Dipoto or Eppler thread was the cherry on top, so thank you for that haha
  15. Request a trade? Seriously? This place is f’ing ridiculous sometimes. Pretty much unreadable today.
  16. I mean I hate the M’s. What I want to see if them fall back to earth and the Angels start playing like they are callable of. I hate Dipoto as much as the next guy but we need to focus on ourselves and try to turn this shit show around
  17. You’re usually a little more level headed than this, doc. Even I think this is dramatic, and I’m usually a “the sky is falling” type about these angels
  18. In reality we kinda just need to feel this shit out until the all star break and hope we can find a bullpen pattern that works and some of these guys start hitting on offense. Its still early and our record is still decent for a team that has a whole lot of holes to patch. It’s up to the FO to decide if this team is worth rounding out with a RF and some bullpen arms and possible upgrades at 3B and 1B.
  19. Nobody is saying that, everyone here can agree they have a solid core of players but their record in 1 run games and run differential scream regression. If they don’t than , that sucks. But they are pretty much on par with the Angels stat wise as a team.
  20. It’s what mediocre teams that don’t do the little things well do. Like hit with runners in scoring position, score runs on 3rd with less than 2 outs, hold leads, keep games close, etc.
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