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Everything posted by TroutField

  1. It's just crazy to me how much Dipoto paid him for TWO years. TWO??
  2. It would be wicked to have him in the bullpen down the stretch. It seems like really good playoff teams have some random high touted rookie and do really well in the postseason. David Price, every cardinals bullpen arm basically, etc
  3. The division races are kind of boring, looks like the Jays will take the east. West goes to the Stros. If the Angels can get their shit together they won't have a problem getting in as a wild card along with the Yankees. That's a tough 1 game playoff
  4. I don't get the "There is a lot of baseball left" "We aren't panicking yet" what the hell why not? It's almost September and we are 5 and a half out of the division lead and in 3rd place. What a joke lol no sense of urgency
  5. Shit happens. He blows a save so that means he doesn't care about winning?
  6. It's nice to see a player get as frustrated we do. I don't think it will spark anything but it's nice to have Huston, he seems like a leader and cares about the team.
  7. I've been trying to stay positive and had hoped that this team has a run in it but it just isn't happening I'm done getting my hopes up. They don't do anything well and Mike Trout has disappeared. It's a tough year to be an Angels fan, I hope they can pull it together soon but who knows. Frustrating and discouraging to say the least.
  8. I think he could be decent in the NL. I also see his defense improving.
  9. So the Cardinals earned the wild card spot but didn't deserve to get into the playoffs because the Braves had a better regular season than them? I guess we should just play 162 games and just award whoever has the best record at the end of the season champions. Isn't that the whole reason of a playoff? So the royals didn't deserve to be in the playoffs last year? The Angels didn't deserve to be in the playoffs in 02 because the m's won the division. I just can't see your point of view.
  10. I don't understand your logic. The basis of being the best team is winning a championship. What are you basing your definition off of? Star power? As an Angels fan you should know that having big names doesn't mean anything if they aren't performing. Much like tulowitzki isn't doing anything as a jay but everyone assumes he's hitting like Babe Ruth up in Toronto. The Giants were the deepest, hottest team, with one of the greatest postseason performances ever by a Bumgarner. I just don't agree with what you're saying
  11. I follow the rest of baseball a decent amount but the Marlins are a team that I have no idea about, I don't know what their needs are but maybe Gia, Chris Ellis, and Cam Bedrosian. Sounds like a fair offer but again, it also depends on the holes the Marlins need to fill.
  12. What I want done this offseason is to go get Dee Gordon for 2nd, he's the spark plug this team is missing, and he's ideal for lead off. Next we go overpay for Heyward to plug into right, Calhoun to left. That takes care of the outfield. Cron can split 1st and DH with Pujols, give Cowart the every day gig at 3rd and if he fails we have Kubitza for depth. Catcher is tricky, we could roll with Bandy and Perez and get good defense but no offense out of the position, extend ianetta for a year and hope this year is a fluke or maybe even go get Wieters if Arte wants to open his wallet. Getting Wieters would make sense to hold over the position until ward is ready and he would be a good guy to mentor Ward when he makes it to the bigs. As for the bullpen I think filling the holes internally makes the most sense and for the rotation, i think we have the depth to not have to worry about pursuing anybody. 1. Gordon 2. Calhoun 3. Trout 4. Pujols 5. Heyward 6. Wieters 7. Cron 8. Aybar 9. Cowart
  13. Ehh other than Yasiel Puig and their fans there hasn't been too much to dislike about them, but now with the way their front office is spending money you have to hate them the way we hate the Yankees. Go dodgers, I guess..
  14. The amount of stupidity in this thread is astounding.. The Giants won THREE World Series in five years and they were never playoff worthy? How can you even dislike that organization as an Angels fan? They draft, develop their own players, careful about the players they sign, keep a decent payroll but not outrageous, have the nicest ballpark in MLB, aren't in our division, are the Dodgers biggest rival. There really isn't anything to dislike about them.
  15. The dogs had to part with two prospects for him. I'm glad the Angels weren't down for that
  16. Banning and Barstow are like 2 hours apart.. Kind of weird for you to say that lol
  17. The starting pitching has been unbelievable and for how often everyone bitches the bullpen it has been very good, even salas has been good in his 6th or 7th inning spots for the most part. Gott has been a god send, and just like last year when you have the 8th and 9th locked down its easy to mix and match a bridge from your starter to Smith and Street.
  18. I think Calhoun would move to left but that outfield would be tremendous defensively. I feel like it will be hard to talk him away from the Cardinals though, being a Cardinal guarantees they are always in contention to win. Who knows maybe Arte will throw it all out on the table because we need good offensive players bad. This is the offseason I think where we see if Arte is really commited to winning or is just in this for the profit. If he wants he can go get Heyward, Wieters, a bullpen arm and pull off a trade for a second baseman or third baseman and really push us into the conversation of best team in the AL with plenty of young pitching and enough offense to back it up followed by a deep bullpen. Or he can keep the team as is, let all the money come off the books and kind of head into a retool with Cron at Dh, Cowart at 3rd, Gia at 2nd, Bandy and Perez at Catcher, and sign a low tier guy for left.
  19. That's cool I never realized they have classes like that but it makes sense. What kind of school offers classes like that?
  20. That's a cool link, thanks. Wow the diamondbacks are terrific at baserunning, doesn't seem like they had a bunch of burners but maybe they do.
  21. Does fan graphs have stats broken down like that?
  22. What do you guys think will be in store? Any trade proposals you think would make sense, free agents we should go after? And all the FO stuff andbody have a GM or manager they would like to see take over if Scisocia is gone (not likely) just something else to talk about besides trying to push the blame on Don Baylor and missing out on Chase Utley.
  23. Just saw a graphic from MLB network that shows the worst baserunning teams in baseball based on outs made on the base paths. No surprise, our halos are 2nd worst one out behind the Rays, with 55. Guess we all just don't overreact, they are really that bad and constantl make bad decisions.
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