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Everything posted by ScottT

  1. Better than always being pessimistic. Like many here. I do prefer a balanced approach, though.
  2. I agree. The strike zone for two of the games in Toronto was wild. It's difficult enough to hit these days. Pitchers don't need called strikes off the inside, outside, high, and low. Something has to change
  3. Eh. WS team? Nm. Im going to bed. With myself.
  4. How did they used to do it? Three games at a time?
  5. I've rarely seen as positive a reaction to an Angels facebook post. It's like people don't know who they are as players... now. I'm not shitting on the deal. Meh. Just amused at all the welcome back posts, etc... I don't see one complaint about Arte Moreno or comment about the name change two decades ago. It's weird. For that, I may be thankful.
  6. I was going to suggest Jesse Chavez, but I just learned he took a baseball to the face, too.
  7. Wtf. lol really? This must please those amongst us that are always clamoring for ex Angels. Sucks to lose Ward. Really sucks. He was killing it lately. I hope he bounces back.
  8. Back stiffness does. Even in older non athletes.
  9. I've had no luck with NordVPN. With anything.
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