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Everything posted by jsnpritchett

  1. Doubt they'll do that at this point in the season, but my guess is that they he'll be non-tendered in the off-season.
  2. Dear god...someone please shut this Ken French dude up.
  3. Marginally. It would still be annoying, but at least it would be *our* stadium.
  4. Seeing some random dude in the stands of another team's stadium talking about food does not in any way make a 57-71 season more entertaining.
  5. Why are they spending so much time with a reporter in the stands during this series? I don't get it.
  6. Trout's rhythm seems a tad bit off since he's come back. Lots o' ks.
  7. I think you need to make more posts where you talk about "Albert Pujols." That never gets old......
  8. Not a surprise. With an off day tomorrow, they'll just give him an extra day, and then hopefully get him back out there Friday.
  9. Did he text your dad last night? If so, what did it say? That he's no longer pressing?
  10. He co-stars in Woody Allen's latest movie, Blue Jasmine, and he's surprisingly good in it...(Andrew Dice Clay, that is--not Dice-K. )
  11. Who the f wants Dice-K? Dude hasn't been good in years, and bringing in another washed-up pitcher is the last thing we need to do.
  12. Highly doubt it. He has a personal services contract for 10 years after the expiration of the playing contract. I doubt they'll just dump him, and then be like, "Sure, come back and collect a check for 10 more years after you're done playing."
  13. Yep. I think there are only 4 or 5 guys in the whole league that are older. He'll be 24 before the season starts next year.
  14. Probably just picking 4 since the top 3 slots are pretty much out of reach, given how poorly the Marlins, Astros, and White Sox have played.
  15. Do you really get excited to watch Wilson, though? Even when he's not allowing runs, he still drives me crazy with his nibbling.
  16. Didn't Oliver say he was retiring if he couldn't pitch for the Rangers, though? I don't put that one on the Angels.
  17. Exactly. I think it would be just about the worst-case scenario. He'll once again feel the need to make a "big splash."
  18. Shuck, Cowgill, Conger, and Iannetta have little trade value. Not sure Calhoun has much, either.
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