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Everything posted by jsnpritchett

  1. I've got a feeling Carter is going to hit one out.
  2. Agreed. Just stay away! Absolutely no point in him coming back.
  3. Shuck to DH, Calhoun to the bench, I assume? Silly, if so.
  4. Who called him the left-handed Trout?
  5. This Fountain Valley Body Works commercial is almost as annoying as the Michael's Furniture one.
  6. At this rate, he'll get a couple more ABs tonight, too. Maybe he can end up with 20 RBI over the last two games. That would be cool at this point.
  7. Cool. We're playing with 8 guys in the field, and no LF!
  8. Yeah, he really deserves it after the stellar year he's having in AA, huh?...
  9. 0 for 2 with 2 K tonight so far--but he does have a BB! Grichuk w/ 2 HR...
  10. True. Plus, he never played for the Rockies or D-Backs...
  11. http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/r/rosenbj01.shtml Make the trade, Jerry.
  12. Someone other than J.C. Gutierrez. But, yeah, really doesn't matter. Buddy Boshers? Maronde? Jepsen? It's really just picking (not-very-good) names out of a hat at this point.
  13. Way to really battle once the Indians scored those first 4 runs, Angels! Gotta love that heart and determination!
  14. Nice work, Trumbo. At this rate, he's going to end up in the .220s by the end of the season.
  15. I really have to wonder how much FSW charges for their local ads. Monkey Sports Superstore and Michael's Furniture seem to have ads in EVERY SINGLE pod in between half-innings.
  16. If they put Buddy Boshers back in, do you think anyone would even notice?
  17. Looks like I gave Maronde way too much credit. But, hey, no worries: Jeppy's coming in.
  18. Maronde. He'll retire a couple of guys, everyone will think he's the solution, then he'll get torched for 8 runs in his next outing Sound about right?
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