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Everything posted by CAAngelsLifer

  1. This Verizon call to the bullpen is sponsored by Verizon!
  2. Yeah... Huston Street sucks- I wish we could have frieri back... he never blew any saves
  3. And Orioles mediocre pitching against us
  4. He killed the Yankees and I'm always a fan of that. I
  5. I'm a fan of this idea. I mentioned it to my husband when Skaggs went down and now it seems like a potential reality for next season.
  6. I like it when Hamilton is out because it means Scioscia mixes up the lineup a little. Plus time off seems to do him well.
  7. why doesn't anyone have Indy beating Den? They beat them handily last season.
  8. I'm glad Seattle had that bad month because otherwise we'd be competing hard with them right now and they make me nervous. very nervous. still- we have a lot of games to play against them.
  9. It sounds like a sickness in the family or marital problems. Those are the reasons we usually get the "personal matter" statements. It will break eventually and I hope it isn't something terrible when it is.
  10. Nibsy's starts are just going to be rough. I'm readying myself with some PMA and a few sixers of double IPA.
  11. 5.1 minutes? let's not get carried away... 3 2/3 tops! And he'll need at least 5 relievers to helping him ultimately fail to get the job done.
  12. Nah... not awkward. Remember they've been sharing a locker room with Prince Fielder for years. He had a WAAAY nicer rack than Kate Upton.
  13. They used to just get him the run support. those were the good old days.
  14. It's not "potentially" a serious problem, it's a serious problem. It's survivable though. If Shoe, Weave and Hector can get quality starts in every game and the offense can pick up those other 2 spots enough to keep us playing .500 we'll be ok. It won't be fun but it will be enough to get us TO the postseason. Our offense is really going to have to man up though- our big 2,3,4 can't keep going 0-for every other game. I'm also going to be optimistic and say that CJ probably won't be THIS bad every one of his starts.
  15. early in the season when CJ was still pitching fine but had had a couple of his less stellar starts (i think it was early june) I was talking to a client at work about my Halos pitching staff. This particular man is a retired pitcher who has two World Series rings and he sort of grimaced when I brought up CJ and said "well... i'm not sold on that guy. We'll see." Apparently he was smart and I was naive because when quoted CJ's stats from last season he said, "well maybe i'm wrong but I'm not convinced of his dependability." LOL. He wasn't wrong. Apparently real pitchers can spot the fakes. If we still had Richards we could afford CJ but we really really can't now. it sucks that he's all we have and even if we had depth, Sosh would start him anyway to show him he believes in him. This is a venting thread right? I'm not going to be accused of being negative?
  16. Missed the game because I had a class but wow, of COURSE that happened. Losing to Cy Peacock after sweeping the A's is so Angels. 1. CJ continues to be an almost complete disaster right when we need him the most. 2. The playoffs are all about pitching, right? Well if so, we are in luck because we hit well against good pitchers and TERRIBLE against bad pitchers. that logic works, right? 3. Trout is still broken and someone needs to fix him. Have they tried hypnotherapy? Electroshock? 4. James Paxton is spanking the A's right now. A's fans needed this after yesterday's performance from their offense.
  17. Seattle is set pretty well for the postseason if they make it, so I agree- i'd rather they not be there. best case scenario is the Angels having a good road trip and the A's and M's beat each other up in any combination of Ws and Ls
  18. Kazmir also had a couple years to get good again. It didn't happen in a week.
  19. True, true. Fortunately for us Kazmir came back down to earth in a big blaze of glory in his starts against us.
  20. I will say the A's benefitted GREATLY in this game from Austin Jackson's bad play in center field. that should have been a fly ball out #3 but it turned into a 5 run inning. Dunn is going to have good games and bad and this one was good. He isn't suddenly going to become a different player now that he's in Oakland- he's still going to strike out a lot.
  21. The Twins aren't as bad as they seem and I feel like the Astros never are either. Those are basement dwelling teams but they manage to give you a run for your money 2 out of 3 games. Not saying we are going to get swept but I also think our offense needs to take this opportunity to come out guns blazing like they did before the all start break.
  22. Seattle did just lose a series to the Texas Rangers... so maybe the expectations were a little high... lol
  23. "We're not in Anaheim anymore" lol... nope... lucky you
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