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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. You guys mock but have you seen his career stats hitting off a tee? Joke is on you.
  2. So I'm guessing Adam and AJ won't be having a beer together as they watch an Angels game?
  3. All you need to know about last season is we missed the playoffs by one point. We were 1-7 last year in OT if I remember correctly. With all the crap that happened last year, OT was the giant killer.
  4. The stars did not align on that trade and with them, they took home plate.
  5. The goal he had in 2012 to eliminate Vancouver is something I'll never forget.
  6. First you ask Phil to be your lawyer. Then you say Kurt posted the most racist thing you've ever seen on this board. Why do you hate cals?
  7. Good bounce back win after blowing it against Ottawa.
  8. I hope he got all the hidden cia files out of this locked thread before he unlocked it.
  9. I believe that the evidence about Avery requesting her to come over and calling her with the *67 being left out should have been included in the documentary. I know we're talking about some very uneducated people here but I just can't fathom someone on the brink of 36 million dollars blowing it and committing murder. Especially after spending 18 years in prison for a crime they didn't commit. I was dumbfounded that every time I expected something to be done right because of things that had been poorly handled before, would once again be ****ed up. If they are both innocent I hope this documentary does something for them to gain their freedom.
  10. You have to be jealous of caliangel with all the threesomes he gets. Well the threesomes he allegedly gets.
  11. The nephew's first lawyer (Len) was such garbage as well.
  12. "Your world frightens and confuses me."
  13. I stand corrected It's a very popular LDS name is what I should have said.
  14. He became HOF worthy when he refused to acknowledge some weirdo 30 year old fan boy at the golf shop.
  15. They can keep Nevada. On a serious note I would love to know what percentage of land the feds own that I want them and no one else to control. Being a big history guy I love civil war battlefields and it sucks when those types of things are under the threat of development. Same goes with the beautiful national parks like Yosemite, Zion's, etc. Counter that with land that just sits there and has no historical or natural beauty value.
  16. Not as harmful as a Pujols handshake. Don't panic yet.
  17. So instead of just removing the files, they chose to bring the entire building down? I know our government is inept but let's give them some credit.
  18. Eric like this thread wouldn't have turned into something stupid even of people died. Tsk tsk shame on you. Vladdy if WTC 7 coming down was a conspiracy, what was trying to be accomplished?
  19. Whatever the difference between the two, the similarity is both are highly flammable.
  20. Kings made it through December. Nice change.
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