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Everything posted by Jim

  1. Somebody call the dugout and tell these dipshits the ump isn't calling the corners, lay off the shit outside.
  2. Hanson doesn't know how to pitch without someone on
  3. Watching Hanson is like watching extended batting practice.
  4. A bunch of noise with nothing to show Angels Baseball IT IS ON
  5. It wasn't? When losing the American League Championship to the Yankees is your opinion of not having a good team, then get ready to be disappointed once again.
  6. The only thing these types of threads accomplish is to create bait for those who will come along later (May or June) with only the intention of rubbing a few noses in it. At this point of the season, Dipoto needs not be in the discussion.
  7. Yeah, because his last place Padres are doing so much better. In addition, you might want to fix your spell check. It has gone haywire. F’n Apple
  8. There is no way Scioscia loses his job during the season; just simply is not the way Arte runs his business, nor should he. Sure, an assistant coach or two might find themselves in a sacrificial role for the sake of the fan base. However, there is no way Arte relieves his field general before the season end. By doing so, he would be setting off alarm bells that would do nothing more than indicate his organization is not as stable as one would hope. Why would any executive in his right mind want to show that side of their business? Arte and his troops will dawn the stoic everything is fine look as they discuss whom and when to possible sacrifice the goat. The organization will then move into the off-season as quietly as possible. Depending on what shape we enter the off-season, both Scioscia and Arte will have a much better idea of where each other stands and decisions will derive from that.
  9. Favorite/Least Favorite Kendrick/Don't have one Weaver/Tied for first - Jepsen & Blanton (Williams running a close third) Griffin/Butcher
  10. Well this is just a good of time as any to bring the hyperbole term to the new website. I wouldn't mind seeing a shakeup of some kind, maybe after April.
  11. ****ing A. Will they let me take my pitch fork on the plane?
  12. Again, where did I say anyone was incompetent? You are reading too much into the statements I have made. Here is the conversation, as I know it. Jay suggested that the GM might play an equal part in all this blame. Then you decided that all the players given to the coaching staff were competent at the time of their arrival. I merely pointed out that if they were as competent as you suggest, they would have lived up to the expectations of the people who signed them. At the time of their arrival, the only people with any expectations were the GM and his staff, the players in question, and the handful of people in the know. I hope this clears up my part in the conversation for you.
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