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Everything posted by Homebrewer

  1. I have been actively pointing out Scioscias deficiencies for so long, at least 5 years, that I figure people that haven't seen it yet, will NEVER allow them selves to see how bad he is. This is nothing new. It is the never ending story X10. Squeaky parrot voice here.. Who would be better? Cant afford it! Not gonna eat his money! Scioscia has been outed as mediocre, over rated, and just plain incompetent for years. There are only a few very vocal, smartass, and heavily invested backers in the Angels MB community that still try to defend the guy. These people will call YOU a bad baseball fan, before they ever admit that Scioscia was DONE years ago. For those of us that have known it for a long time, there is, SADLY, a certain amount of satisfaction watching him spiral down in flames..but it is SO SAD... WHY???? We love this team, we want them to win, and we knew it was not going to happen under the current regime. WE HAVE KNOWN IT FOR YEARS, AND HAVE BEEN ATTACKED EVER TIME WE TRY TO SAY IT. Scioscia is going to get fired, and things WILL get better, and it should have happened years ago...YEARS AGO. Despite wailing and gnashing of teeth from his die-hard supporters.... Things WILL get better. Hard for me to believe that so many good fans have taken this long to grasp any reality, concerning Scioscia. What a waste of whole baseball seasons.
  2. The clubhouse has long been infected with Captip Sciosciocauclus. It gets in the cleats, the jockstraps, the gloves and even the bats. It is hard to get rid of. Every time you think it should be gone, it just hangs around somehow.
  3. And, as stated in the article, the park renovation is supposedly about generating more revenue, just like the name change supposedly was.
  4. They weren't the Los Angels Angels way back then.
  5. I asked this same question in another thread, when people were trying to put all the blame on our 2nd year GM.. for the team's current, sorry , state. I see him as a Shields-like 8th inning guy, who can close when needed.
  6. Oui..zees EEZ getting ridiculous.
  7. Ricketts wants a Jumbotron and scoreboard. Rooftop beer garden-bbq owners don't like the idea of trying to sell beer and bbq, while looking at the back of his Jumbotron. Rickettts will win. Ricketts wants more night games. Neighbors don't. Ricketts wins again. Ricketts wants to put a few hundred million into upgrading Wrigley. All of Chicago wins.
  8. Another loss today, resulting in a sweep...and something has to happen. Some jobs are hanging by a thread right now.
  9. IMO Arte is way more involved in player decisions than you think. Pujols and Hamilton were, in my view, marketing decisions coming down from the boss, not something Dipoto begged, or even suggested, as something the org should do.
  10. "I do believe if we enter into the "firing zone" we should make sure we cut deep enough to force some major changes in team philosophies and strategy. Singling out one or two individuals won't accomplish much as far as I am concerned." You're right. That is why it needed to be done in this past offseason, A lot of us have been screaming this. You can't establish a new and lasting philosophy during a season...but you can show you mean business by firing the manager today, and letting the pieces fall together between now and October. This year is over, as far as this team competing. Arte hamstrung Dipoto when he would have dumped Scioscia 2 years ago, and Arte is going to pay a big price for his stupidity. Arte has been forced to cut a lot of losses in his tenure as an owner, and this is another bad contract he will be forced to eat. There is no way around it, so why put it off. Hire/promote an interim manager and start interviewing. At least the season will mean something. The alternative is to stand pat, do nothing, and pretend things are fine. That has worked well the past few years, right?
  11. These are the times that us socal baseball fans need a press corps, a newspaper, a radio station, or a fan website, who had someone with access to the FO, that had balls enough to ask some real questions.. Unfortunately we, as fans, have nobody with sufficient nuggets, to ask real questions, or give us much more than puff pieces.
  12. The only way for Arte to untangle this mess, is to turn the team over to Dipoto. Allow him to find his own manager and coaching staff, and build the future without interference.
  13. The people on sinking ships, understanding the doom at hand, can be unexpectedly polite and kind to each other.
  14. I see a level of frustration around here tonight, that has led to a new attitude of politeness. Weird, but a good thing.
  15. He gave a manager a 10 year, $50,000,000 contract. Doesn't understand baseball that well, is a very kind way of putting things.
  16. The entire coaching staff should have been gone after last season..not one of them deserves to be here today. It is a group failure, and has been. I have to believe that deep inside, they all know that they are not good, as a group. The fans are let down, the owner is let down, and the players themselves can't be happy to play under this failing leadership. Scioscia has said that he is doing the same thing that he has always done.. He is stubborn and he is going to do what he thinks is right. I respect that, except for the fact that.. It isn't working. Hasn't worked for a long time now. A managerial change will turn this team around. I have never been more convinced and sure that a new direction is the only way forward.
  17. There was a time that I thought Arte was the best thing that ever happened to the Angels. A decade has passed, and his ownership has turned into a train wreck. I still think he can pull it out of disaster mode, and be successful, but he needs to turn things over to someone who knows what they are doing. He made a good move in hiring Jerry Dipoto, he needs to trust in that decision, and back away, and let Jerry do the job.
  18. Guys, I know we're all frustrated with the team, but do not resort to personal attacks to each other on this website. Thanks! Might be time to have a chat with the pet "personal attacker" here, if you really want things to be more tenable.
  19. 8 games under .500. Scioscia in ST.." It is really important we get off to a good start" Arte has to give Dipo the power to fire him, to keep any amount of credibility.
  20. Last day of April, 8 GAMES UNDER .500. Is there a better time than now?
  21. Should have been done 3 years ago.
  22. My gut opinion of Mr Dipoto is that he is a very, very, very, very, smart and savvy... baseball mind. The guy knows what he is doing, and will be the long term savior of this organization.
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