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Posts posted by James

  1. Mattingly acts like pitchers dont lose control and hit guys. Saying that Kennedy shouldnt pitch inside if he cant keep from hitting people because he could have hurt Puig is a joke. Its baseball, it is going to happen. Also saying that fighting is a statement that you cant mess with their players is also a joke. If anything, the benches being allowed to empty onto the field is what shouldn't be allowed to happen.


    Oh well, your team stood up for Puig but he then gets kicked out and may very well be suspended. 

  2. The Newport Brewery (Newport Beach about 30th Street on Newport Blvd.) isn't very exceptional food and drink-wise, but it's in a good location and the patio is fun in the middle of the day on a weekend. 


    You can walk to the beach from there pretty easily and if you want to slum it, Cassidy's is down the street.  Great burgers and good people watching.  If you have a tank top, fat white arms and a bad tattoo, you'll be right at home.  I'm still amazed at how many hot chicks get dressed up and go there on a Sunday afternoon to get plowed.  With booze.

    LOL, so the place sucks but hey its in a fun neighborhood!

  3. Kennedy was out of line for throwing at Greinke's head. Greinke's hard slide at second was awesome haha too bad our team doesn't have a player like that to get the troops riled up. Instead we're stuck with a bunch of lifeless bums

    A fight doesnt help you win. Especially when you lose your best offensive player. 

  4. Couple new ones over the last week.


    Ballast Point West to East IPA is excellent.


    Golden Road Heal the Bay IPA is pretty solid too.


    Dogfish 61 Minute IPA, way too much of a wine flavor due to the grapes.  

  5. We just had a Breury Beer tonight - bourbon aged stout - I think the name is Bois - excellent.  I have several bottles from the Breury.  My all time favorite is Black Tuesday - hard to find, 20% alcohol - so look out).  It's a high end beer of theirs and truly delicious. 

    How did you get your hands on an elusive bottle of Black Tuesday? I was given a Reserve Society membership for Christmas that  guarantees me a bottle. Only released in October and only available at the brewery. It packs a punch for sure and is pretty good for such a high abv. 


    I saw someone posted that the Bruery is not willing to make IPA's. This is somewhat true but it has to do with the differences in the brewery process between belgian styles and brewing ales. The equipment The Bruery uses is set up for belgians. 


    Bruce, did you have the Sans Pagaie today? I picked up a few bottles and really like it but I am letting the others age. The Cherries actually are rather noticeable already but as it ages I am sure the cherries will really start to stand out. 

  6. The Bruery is a belgian brewery and not strictly sours, far from it as almost their entire reagular brews are in fact not sours. They are a belgian inspired brewery, they use a belgian yeast strain for almost all of their beers.  You should check them out as they are one of the best breweries in the country. Orchard White, Saison Rue, Lokal Red, and Mischief are all excellent and regulars in the tap room. 


    Bootleggers is awesome of course for the typical American Craft beer experience. 


    I would also say go to Noble Ale Works before or after a game just to have a pint of their Naughty Sauce which is one of the most talked about beer in SoCal right now. I think they are just an average brewery outside of the Naughty Sauce.


    Gastropub wise, Haven in Orange and Slaters 50/50 are the best bets in the area.


    There are a lot more breweries in Los Angeles and the South Bay. The Congregation Ale House and Beachwood BBQ are also solid if you have the time or are in the Long Beach area. If you are up in LA hit up Mohawk Bend, Beer Belly or The Golden State. I can keep going but I think that should give you some great ideas beer wise. 

  7. russian river is great.

    that is all.

    First Friday in Feb is now a ritual with me. First Sat in Feb. is Drakes...


    I was rather blown away with their spot up in Santa Rosa. Thinking of making it a 5 day trip next year and getting up to Anderson Valley as well. 

  8. As of this week Russian River has begun to seriously regulate how their beer is sold. No longer are stores allowed to keep product in backroom and must be on shelf. Also, the price has been significantly lowered to $4.99 per bottle. It will be interesting to see how much they can actually control this. Only way this works is if the consumers ensure that this practice is being followed. Now they need to do something about the Younger release. Considering that the brewery only charges $6.00 for a 10 oz glass, I am sure they are not happy that pubs are charging up to double that price. I know they were not happy that some places didnt tap their keg until after the end of February.  

  9. That was hilarious. I think it it wasnt 9 am or so and 9pm instead he would have took it further. The best is we were loud all the time and the bartender had our back no matter what. 


    I really don't think I could handle doing that these days. May have to get it a try next campaign. 

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