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Posts posted by James

  1. Now the Hawthorne police are receiving death threats due to this. I saw the video where the arrested idiot went back to the scene to describe the situation that went down because the video just was not enough for him. He spells out the officers name who shot his dog in said video. This guy is complete scum and if anything happens to that officer he should be held accountable regardless of his participation in such an  act. 

  2. Rosso's is a good spot for pizza. Its the thin-crust stuff, but really good. They always have a soccer match on the TV's. Willie's wine bar is a good, upper end small plates and wine spot. Sprenger's Tap Room is a good spot for draught and bottled beers. Out in Sebastopol is Hop Monk, which is a cool bar with heaps of beers on tap, nice patio and ok food.


    Let me know if you need any other rec's. I grew up there and visit the family often up there.

    Thanks, I went to Hop Monk last year due to a local recommendation while hanging out at Bear Republic. Very good place but I thought TAPS in Petaluma was better. 

  3. Eh, he's just a little reckless this so far. It just also means he's taking chances, and that's what this team has needed. His second hit would have been gone in any stadium not Coors or Camden with the high right field walls. :(

    Here is a comment people have said....never

  4. It seems like he was asked numerous times to step back. He is the only one that close up, everyone else is on the other side of the intersection. He asked to be messed with by the police. The way he put himself in a position to be frisked would lead me to believe that he knew it was coming hence why the dog was put in the car. i also don't really buy the idea that the dog is just protecting its owner. I have had many dogs in my lifetime and I can't imagine a single one acting in such a way. 


    Let me ask this. Say you are out running the neighborhood with your dog when a loose dog comes running at you. What would your reaction honestly be? i had this happen recently and let me tell you, its pretty damn frightening and I wish I had something more than my foot and hands to fight it off. There comes a point where you gotta say **** the dog. 


    The owner of the dog forced the outcome, not the police. 

  5. Hit up Omelette Express for breakfast on your way out, just a block south of your hotel. Plus there's a few good wine/bar spots in that section too, if you're into something other than Younger.

    Great Rec! I ate there last year, somewhat remember doing so....it was good.


    I went to a few bars as well but none of them were all that great.Any specific places? Honestly, after drinking all day at RR and knowing the following day will also be a day of drinking around Oakland, I should probably stay away from other spots.


    I am staying till Monday afternoon and need to find some things to do Sunday. Any ideas? Of course I have to stop by Lagunitas but I am probably going to skip Bear Republic this year.  

  6. I was disappointed with Founders KBS. It's very good, but doesn't live up to the hype IMO. I prefer their imperial stout.

    Huh, I thought it was great and I dont usually like stouts.... or porters for that matter. 

  7. I need some contacts back east for some bottle trades. I really want in on Founders KSB and Heady to name a few.


    Also planning on doing the Younger release with visits to other area breweries, really want that Hopocalypse Black Label.

    We will talk more soon. We need to do another brewery crawl down there soon. I think we should do an Alpine, Societe, etc. type crawl next time. Anyways, back to early February. Just booked my hotel in Santa Rosa last week. I learned some lessons last year and staying within walking distance is the first key. I am staying at the Hotel la Rose. If you go the first weekend, let me know. I plan on being in line on Friday morning for Younger and then head down to San Leandro after a few hours of sleep and doing the same on Saturday for Black Label. 

  8. They should get it, they did last year. I expect to start seeing it down here late next week. Dude I met out at Russian River is heading over there Saturday morning for the release. He is hoping to score a limited keg of it for his house but is going to grab me some and ship down here in return for a few Enjoy By bottles in return.  

  9. Didn't need to watch this but did. Terrible incident but the owner of that dog is an asshole, would have been easier to watch if he was shot and not the dog. 


    I am one that is very suspect of police actions but I do not see how anyone can blame them for this. Sure you can use a stun gun or whatnot but this could have all been avoided if the owner of the dog was a decent human being. 

  10. Jordan was awful on defense and hurt the team on the free throw line. Garnett would be perfect because he would spread the floor at least a little bit so the lane wasn't clogged for CP3 or Griffin all the time

    They need 3 point shooters to spread the floor, not the last few years of KG. 


    I also agree with Doc that Jordan needs to refocus on defense and there is no reason why he shouldnt be a beast defensively. 

  11. Had an opportunity to head out to a tasting from Surf Brewery based out of Ventura.


    I HIGHLY recommend their South Swell DIPA. Very hoppy at a nice 9 % ABV.


    Mondos Cream Ale is perfect on a hot day but lacks the complexity I like.


    Many liked the Oil Piers Porter on Nitro. Not a fan of coconut in my beer.  

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