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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. I hope all these California and New York refugees learn from their mistakes. They have a bad habit of moving to red states and continuing to vote Democrat.
  2. I know the difference between Persians and Arabs. The guy said he no longer practices islam and is more into eastern religion. I just see him as a homeless bastard we graciously took in. As a show of appreciation, he shits on the couch and complains about the lack of menu options.
  3. I think it is a valid question. The guy is anti American who Is supposedly terrified of Trump supporters yet America has supplied him a safe home. He chooses to back BLM and shit on the American flag in return
  4. This is why your dumbass dem leaders should have tamped down the antifa/blm bullshit. The other side is now attempting to do what mayors and governors should have done. I hate to disappoint you leftist but the other side has more weapons and trained individuals. Right now they are not well organized but this will happen if government does not restore order.
  5. Did he state why his non-muslim Iranian ass came to America? I am sure Iran is much safer for Hindu worshipers
  6. We should add some perspective on the post office bs. If every American voted by mail that would add up to 75% of one day worth of deliveries. The post office and the dems are exaggerating the need for funds. I believe around 30 million voted by mail in 2016. Double that this year and you have about 15% of an average day. The real waste is sending everyone a ballot without a request. Why send millions of ballots to people who have no desire to vote? If we funds and workers are an issue, don’t create extra work.
  7. https://www.outkick.com/cdc-just-6-of-covid-deaths-occurred-without-co-morbidities/
  8. My wife has about 15 family members in Mexico who have had the virus. Three spent weeks in hospital and were all from same immediate family. Ended up killing her cousin who was a 35 year old healthy doctor and his dad. His mom lived after a few weeks in hospital. The virus certainly isn’t fake but we have exaggerated the total by a good bit. The real covid total is probably 120-140k. Flu and pneumonia have killed 100k this year and that doesn’t include the deaths where they were combined with covid
  9. Exempt he has said multiple times absentee voting is fine.
  10. This is a stretch right now but quite possible we see a populist tyrant in the future. Trump's populist movement is a direct result of race baiting, class warfare, and Marxist policies of Obama. BLM yells race but we are really involved in class warfare right now. Opposition to the communist is really all Trump and Hitler share at this point. Identity politics are not good long term. At some point we all need to work together. We can't get there with the current nuts on the left. In one of my first post, I laid the pathway for success. It starts with boys piss here and girl piss over there. Simple stuff and we move on from there.
  11. You have to respect him a little. He is the only person there that missed work to attend.
  12. I will take her eyes versus that weird bulge in Moochelle's dress
  13. Did anyone see the awesome fireworks display?
  14. So what are your thoughts on Latino gangs committing race based killing blacks in Cali?
  15. I am the crazy uncle. However, I am not that far off of pure covid deaths. Who could have predicted we would count every death as covid. Now, you are highly educated and the aw expert on covid. It was you who mocked me for saying the kill rate was below .5. I believe you said it was 8 times greater than .5.
  16. Have to admit that was the best fireworks show ever
  17. Dems are slowly waking up to reality. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/coons-biden-police-brutality-unacceptable-wants-debates
  18. These athletes have experienced more privilege than the majority of all Americans. They may have live 8-10 years of poverty to start but most have had their asses kissed from the age of 12. They receive money, grades, and white women until they turn pro. They become instant millionaires based on their talent and the opportunities in our country. All the fans want is a little honestly and gratitude expressed towards America. White people elected Obama and have happily paid these athletes for years. White people adopt blacks by the 100,000s every year in this country. How many black families adopt white kids? These athletes need to focus their efforts toward educating their communities on how to interact with cops. Educate blacks on the importance of family. Instead they embrace the anti family BLM and have multiple illegitimate kids themselves. Also, address the elephant in the room which is blacks killing blacks.
  19. I kinda wonder what sparked the love affair with Tdawg and BLM. I hope he he fell in love with their ideology and not the men in mini skirts.
  20. I think the players will get the message. Probably next season when the stands consistent of only black men selling peanuts
  21. More importantly Biden has shown he can grab the pussy
  22. those were Missouri plates covered in mud
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