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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. She was at a minimum aiding a drug dealer. I don’t agree with no knock warrants. However, the recurring theme is dont engage in criminal behavior
  2. How many athletes risk life and limb to save lives on a routine basis? These officers enter flood waters, fires , and many other dangerous duties on a Routine basis. There are bad cops but the large majority are pretty good people that do a great job.
  3. https://www.usatoday.com/sports/nfl/arrests/ https://cnsmaryland.org/interactives/Crime-In-NFL/ Here we have the statistics for nfl players The players are much more likely to commit domestic violence, sexual assaults, and murder than the average population their age. Hopefully, you can see the irony in a very flawed group of people protesting against law abiding Americans
  4. You are reaching Taylor level of delusional blindness. I expected a lot more BLM shit than we saw but there was plenty. This wasn't about unity at all. Don't forget most players came out with some sort of BLM or social justice message on pregame tshirts. There is social justice bs on the helmets and posted throughout the stadium. The Texans skipped the anthem. So after an hour of showing their black asses, they want everyone to unite in silence? How about a moment of silence to heal our nation and the families who have recently lost someone? No, we need a moment of silence to push a liberal narrative of social justice. The majority of Chiefs fans dont by the liberal bs and expressed themselves accordingly. These players will continue to be booed most places.
  5. You nailed it. There is a real lack of understanding of how quickly things can go bad. I would argue at times the police have a much tougher job than troops. Once shit kicked off we shot anything moving. Police don’t have that option. Nobody ever mentions all the crowds around these arrests. Few understand that the police have to account for the exterior threat of being surrounded by unknown thugs that not part of the arrest. Also, There seems to be some thought that the criminals deserve an opportunity of a fair fight. Stay safe out there!
  6. My favorite it the one where a woman claimed trump actually grabbed a woman by the pussy but the media ignored it. Then there was the one where trump talks about a racial jungle right before he used the n word on the senate floor.
  7. Obviously, Blake needed the car and the pussy. The cops failed to consider his needs before they attempted to arrest him. Most NBA superstars are intelectual giants and better able empathize with someone of Blake’s stature.
  8. You beat me to it. My younger brother had the audacity to reprimand me over a racial slur last month. He didn’t want his 4 year old hearing slurs. I’m thinking maybe teach her not to jump on pops sofa before complaining about my language. If anything I’m probably saving him the agony of bringing colored grand kids to a southern baptist church
  9. I believe so. After cheering these riots all summer and refusing to address them at their convention, Biden suddenly is against violence. Internal polls told him he better address the violence. If you don't believe that, After applauding this shit, Cuomo, sweet pants, and the ex con on CNN are warning Biden he better address it. Posting ball fore rioters is not a good look for a presidential hopeful and that was his initial response.
  10. I hope you are right. I don't see the dems accepting defeat short of the supreme court. It will take a popular vote win and some significant blowouts in swing states for them not to challenge. If this happens, The old guard dems are through. The focus will probably move to taking house and senate in 2022 with impeachment in mind.
  11. Not Biden but the lower level gov are liable. I believe Trump has full authority to arrest these fucks. However, the pentagon has pushed back and I don't think he wants that fight now. So yes he is playing politics. Flip side is the democrat party is attempting to force him to do their job with troops. Why won't the dems smack these fuckers down with the NG? The responsibility is state and local first. They are not even trying. Instead the cut police funds and refuse to use the NG. So they are playing politics by trying to make Trump do their job. Sad because people are getting screwed by both sides, Much bigger failure by the dems though.
  12. He has a challenging tasks with military leadership. Obama gutted a lot of senior leadership so we have a lot lib leaders. The retired Bush guys are war hawks. People under estimate the sick desire many leaders have for war. The path to General and legacy of existing Generals depends a lot on combat tours. These men have 25 plus years invested and career goals that don't die easy. We need them when shit hits the fan but they do let career goals and out dated policies drive decision making at times.
  13. You can trick or treat in LA. Wear a mask and a BLM shirt and treat yourself at the retail store of your choice
  14. Maybe because most lib govs and mayors have refused to arrest and call in National Guard. Biden aids have also placed bail for multiple rioters through the MFF. I do agree Trump is using this too his advantage when he should step in and smack these thugs down with or without local support.If he wins, the Def Sec will be replaced and he will order in the troops if needed.
  15. The narrative from lib news outlets and social is already being set for delayed results to count all the votes. Every effort is going to be made to count votes that arrive late. I will be shocked if Biden doesn't challenge every single swing state. Very likely Justice Roberts selects the next President.
  16. They act as if shaka zulu and blazin saddles never happened.
  17. I am not running around brown nosing the black community
  18. Speaking of covid, there is quite a bit of proof it can be spread through feces.
  19. Sounds like some shit Blarg came up with? Movie making isn't complex. Young males need to see titties and/ or fights. When we get older, we want some clean non sexual or political content for the kids. Women want a mushy love story and that never changes.
  20. This is just what we need. Who goes to the movies and walks out saying" if only there was a few more blacks and gays"?
  21. I suggest studying the reconstruction era. Southern dems and southern media denied the kkk existed. A lot of parallels between the two.
  22. Barely makes the top 10. We don’t destroy our testing locations in support of black criminals either. Don’t discount Cali had to destroy several locations to fight racism.
  23. Sturgis was a bad idea but so is thousands of leftist gathering every night. 12 billion also seems a stretch. Did he give any numbers on looting, arson, and thugs in the streets.
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