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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Sounds like a California problem. Missouri has free tests on any given day
  2. It appears a vaccine will only be effective if combined with a Dem win in November.
  3. At some point, we have to move on. Sturgis was not a great idea but neither are riots in the street. If we can have nightly riots, we can damn sure play youth sports and open our schools. There will be setbacks but schools can offer online learning as needed. Hopefully, Trump wins and punishes the lib govs into submission. The math needs to be unfucked as well. We know the death rate so 6 million cases doesn't match 200k deaths. If the deaths are legit, we have had over 80 million infected. 80 million may be a little high since blue states executed the old. Either way we need to know where we are at with herd immunity. Instead, I saw Fauci trying to tie this shit to environmental issues the other day. The man never disappoints.
  4. What do you credit for the lack of covid deaths among blm and antifa protest? I don’t believe there has been one documented case or death as a result of these protest.
  5. As The aw legal expert, I agree we could have just removed the exception for girls. If the Dems argument was solely equality, it wouldn’t be so bad. However, throw in the hiv law with sb 384 and it is very apparent equality is not the sole issue. These lawmakers are looking for ways to soften the punishment for acts with children.
  6. It was pretty fucked up he gave only gays who wanted to get married paid vacation to do it. Vacation that can be sold at a later date.
  7. There is solid video proof he sucks ass at sports. I’m actually glad the world had been spared video of the other. Based on where he attended church and some timely murders there people should be suspicious. He also had a body man which endorsed buttgieg and got a huge payout when he left White House. Let’s not forget he fucked the military any way he could. However, he gave gays a free week of paid vacation to be married. What kind of bullshit is that?
  8. Well, it was pretty easy to change the rules from requesting a ballot to mass mailing everyone a ballot. Early counting also provides the opportunity to correct mistakes. We can eliminate hanging chads etc. Ii is much easier to count as received vs wait and count millions on election day. Quite a few states do this
  9. Exactly, the states that implemented mass vote by ballot can easily change the rules for counting early. Why wait?
  10. Yes but dems have contested 2 of their last 3 losses. One through the Supreme Court and another through a bs impeachment.
  11. I don’t disagree. I have several post stating everything you just said. I prefer to talk policy.
  12. There is no way Biden wins on election night. I see him challenging the results in 4-6 states. Votes will be found 1–5 days after the election. Biden only path to victory is to reduce the election to a one man vote. I fully expect Justice Roberts to vote dem in this scenario.
  13. Suddenly the left is very pro military. Upset over an anonymous quote but I didn’t hear a work when over 100k troops got pink slips. Personally, I took a pay cut when the Bush tax cuts expired under team Joe. Lost another 18k when promotions were delayed and annually raises were below average.
  14. I am pretty sure there is a very effective vaccine already or there is a very effective preventive treatment like hydro. The increasing number of mask free sightings of old ass dems makes me suspicious. Either they have something we don't or the damn virus death tolls are super inflated. You can't find a masked dem politician outside of a scheduled photo op.
  15. We appreciate the wiki answer but this is pure bullshit. You have a global organization that admits they are trained Marxist. BLM is primarily corporate funded so cut the grass roots bs. I will grant you most the participants couldn't distinguish Marx from Jefferson. However, the chaos and unrest is absolutely funded by a global organization that brings terror throughout the world. BLM leaders are getting rich off donations and chaos. Any decent organization would change their name if it was remotely connected to this level of evil. They have not condemned the vast majority of the violence. In fact, they have officials who have justified it. There is not one attempt to distinguish themselves from any violent splinter movements. There is absolutely a command structure which gives marching orders and distributes resources. They refer to one leader as the general and distribute military style after action reports on past riots. You are way to educated to be this uninformed. Your whole argument is damn near plagiarized off wiki. 10 minutes on their website would have enlightened you.
  16. I heard Trum I figured the violence would have ended by now. I mean Biden called out Qanon today.
  17. I will never understand the self guilt by white people. Yes. white men have done some bad shit. As a whole, we have been the most productive and benevolent race in history. No other race comes close to our achievements. There is quite a bit to be proud of and I thank the Lord every night. What a blessing to be born white in the greatest nation in history.
  18. The point is cons were trashed for doubting a vaccine for the same reason. A vaccine takes on average 10-15 years to develop. Another reason this indefinite shutdown "until we have a vaccine" made no fucking sense. We will end up forcing this vaccine on individuals and it may not be safe. We shouldn't rush a vaccine for a virus with a .25 kill rate. Life can go on in a somewhat normal fashion without a vaccine if the libs will get their heads out of their asses. The libs have had more stringent orders and lockdowns but have fared worse in economic gains and deaths.
  19. Libs will be against the vaccine when it comes out in October
  20. I am sorry. I have yet to hear him call out BLM or antifa.
  21. Did he say anything about blacks looting?
  22. Some truth. Most the media are lib Fsgs. Bush was s fairly humble dude and he got crushed
  23. What fucking liberal policy has improved the lives of anyone? The jungle Biden was referring to was created by bleeding heart liberals and their entitlement programs
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