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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Absolutely no doubt dems and lib reps have destroyed a great state. The real tragedy is most the aw libs are too damn dumb to connect the state’s failures to lib policies.
  2. We really are living in a generation of fools. The three most heroic actions women can accomplish are wear a vagina hat, accuse a man of sexual misconduct, and murder her child. I long for the days when women could make a delicious sandwich and give a good bj.
  3. Listen here, Fauci , stick to the Chinese virus thread.
  4. I don’t disagree with the hypocrisy. I do think we are in different times with the crazies on the left. The last minute changes to voting procedures and recent refusals to accept election results make an appointment essential. If Roberts didn’t become an activist judge, we probably don’t see a nomination either. In hindsight, they probably should have just voted against all Obama nominees. I don’t feel sorry for the Dems. Their willingness to disregard procedures and the constitution during the Obama years made this day possible.
  5. No. You know damn well dems love killing babies but this fight isn't about that. This fight is about preserving the opportunity to steal this election. All the Roe v Wade noise from the Dem party is simply to stir voter turnout. Even if abortion was to be overturned there would be multiple exemptions which will be easily manipulated by leftist doctors.
  6. The dems ain't worried about Roe v Wade. Even if overturned, the dems will eventually win and stack the court with 100 judges. Another judge makes it much tougher to steal an election with boxes of discovered votes after the election. If we had just left the existing voting rules in place, Trump probably doesn't appoint until next year. Dems are perfectly ok with changing voting laws last minute before a big election. They really shouldn't be ass hurt if the Reps decide to exercise their powers. I remember some bullshit passing on Christmas Eve without a 2/3 majority.
  7. Where do those black lives begin? What party supports the killing of black lives at 1000 per day? The most dangerous place for a black person is their mothers womb yet the left doesn’t lift their voice to support black lived. Probably 20-30 million black babies have been killed plus any potential offspring. Imagine the political influence that has been lost by these useless murders. Almost as if someone planned it that way.
  8. A nice way of dehumanizing murder. Today’s left wants to extend abortion to just before or after birth. That baby Isn’t a lot different at birth than the week prior. We take babies months prior now and most survive. Have you ever watched an abortion? I will never understand how leftist will cry their eyes out over a thug killed by the cops but remain silent as an innocent child is torn apart limb by limb.
  9. Yes but not in the sense we use the term. I have no problem with the cops killing a few criminals.
  10. Life is the single biggest issue for me. Taxes and policy are all secondary. The Bible is the basis of my beliefs so I am not party driven. If we want to fix America, we need to protect the sanctity of life and end the transgender bullshit. Two very simple issues that should unite us. I am willing to compromise on most anything else.
  11. As s blm supporter you are not concerned with 1000 black babies being killed daily.
  12. Probably time to stop all the fake tears for black criminals killed by cops. In reality you would prefer they never escaped their mothers womb. Almost 50% of black pregnancies end in abortion. This isn’t an accident. This is an intentional system designed to rid the world of undesirables.
  13. Your argument is my body my choice. Meaning the government had no right to dictate what I do with my body. However you make an exception to my right if I could potentially harm another human. Unless of course that human happens to be a baby.
  14. So s full grown adult life matters more than a baby’s life? At what she does the mother lode her right to kill the child ?
  15. This is true. I believe everyone deserves a chance even though the majority will be criminals after birth. I do get tired of libs pretending to support black lives when they prefer blacks not to reproduce
  16. Your opinion seems to contrast your views on corona lockdowns and vaccinations. A mother can take the babies life but I can’t go to Costco without a mask because I might infect you.
  17. You don’t seem confused at all to me. You have made a decision that fewer black people makes the world a safer place.
  18. I am down for one. Tell me how the liberty living lefties approve of babies being sucked from their mothers wombs. Some enjoy it so much they want to chop off their heads at the birthing table.
  19. They absolutely will. I see the dems adding 5-10 seats next time they have power. We will probably see dems make US territories into states to make senate impossible to take back. The dems are not overly concerned with losing the court long term. They will eventually win a presidential election and expand the court. Ruth's death has just potentially shit on their plan to steal this election via supreme court challenges. Roberts would have caved and handed this election to Biden.
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