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Everything posted by angelinkc

  1. Nobody can argue the diversity of the dems. AOC spoke on a night filled with the klan, war hawks, and sexual predators. Followed up tonight with an Indian, a hooker, and gay black man.
  2. They keep showing up at Stone Mtn. this will happen. The more redneck side of my family lives there.
  3. Give Trump a break. He couldn't get Gore to speak and every other white robed southern confederate endorsed Biden. Hell, the dems even booked our token black war hawk.
  4. One more thing. Stop bashing the founders and Lincoln. You fuckers can barely wipe your own ass and pay the bills. yet somehow you are intellectually superior to our founders. None of our founders have a damn thing to do with your inability to achieve. I flunked out of college, drank two more years away, and can’t spell. I now make 6 figures with a 45k pension to boot. This country is really that easy. All it takes is hard work and self reliance. The stuff you didn’t learn in gender studies or aliinsky 101.
  5. I am tired of excuses for these shitbags. Libs need to wake up and call these pieces of human shit what they are. The behavior you are witnessing in the streets is exactly why decent white people dont live or associate with blacks. These thugs also ruin the good name of every decent black American.
  6. Yes I agree there is a need for a separate slogan. The problem is “I don’t give a shit about dead black thugs” is too long for a T-shirt. I voted for “Fuck BLM” with confederate color scheme but I lost.
  7. The Us has a massive problem with liberal Governors with underdeveloped brains.
  8. Yes I love the Tea party and I laughed. Trump does flame the racial fires often but that picked up steam under Obama. He had several chances to bring people together and chose chaos and division every time. Obama even spoke ebonics when he was with black audiences. I am no fan of Bill Clinton but he knew how to be political and unite people.
  9. Maybe look at a technical school. Pepperdine failed you.
  10. So what is the difference between Obama calling people tea baggers and what Trump says?
  11. He also shut down test to prove the effectiveness of mask. Meanwhile a study was released showing some mask make the spread easier. How many times has he been caught not social distancing and not wearing a mask. His wife is a piece of shit as well and her dubious past is fully ignored
  12. Fauci is a damn expert yet he was screaming nothing to worry about in Jan-Feb. he opposed the travel ban. He has yet to comment on nursing home disasters but praised Cuomo.
  13. I’m amazed at the allegiance to political health experts and media. Don’t wear a mask. Wear a mask indoors. Wear a mask everywhere. No proof of hydro despite thousands of people surviving with treatment and very low death rates in malaria stricken countries. The same experts and media will encourage your child to take mind altering drugs at the age of 5 and Puberty altering drugs from 8-13. All were present during the aids outbreak and very wrong. None ever discouraged ass fucking as a preventative measure. Sometimes years of education just don’t compensate for their lack of integrity or common sense
  14. There are quite a few experts world wide who use it. The WHO and Fauci oppose is but how many patients have they treated in the last 45 years? How right have they been?
  15. Off label prescriptions are very common. One of the reasons rich people survive aids and some cancers. They have the money to acquire off label prescriptions that insurance and politicians don’t want the general public to have. The opposition to hydro is partly do to it being inexpensive. You as a my body my choice supporter shouldn’t have an issue if a patient chooses to pursue hydro as a treatment
  16. Military has been taking it for years when deployed
  17. It was not great for those who liked their doctor and wanted to keep him. It wasn’t great for our military who received 8 years of shitty pay. Many officers and enlisted received pink slips while deployed. I suppose it was great for the record number of people on welfare. I am sure they appreciated the land line to mobile update provided by Obama phones. Iran enjoyed a few billion dollars we dropped in the desert and all our allies appreciated us continuing to pay for their defense.
  18. The convention has been a real hit. It revealed Cuomo as an expert in pandemic management. Moochell blaming Trump for cages Barry built. Biden apparently is a centrist, socialist, and a Bible toting Christian.
  19. Which Dem should Christians support?
  20. BLM has absolutely nothing to do with saving black lives.
  21. Libs also discount the idea of a secret ballot. Taylor admitted his wife fills out his ballot. In person voting was established to provide a private and secure location. Absentee voting provides convenience but allows for some outside influences. Current policies require a request which preserves the voters right to not vote. Mailing everyone a ballot opens the door for outside influencers to collect votes. Bad people know you received a ballot and might just knock on your door to make sure the ballot is filled out correctly
  22. I see thousands of people every night committing felonies. Fear of prosecution hasn’t stopped them.
  23. You can also be dead or in another state and still receive a ballot.
  24. Challenger, Gary Hart scandal, and Tiananmen Square stand out to me. Probably all fall short of The JR Ewing shooting.
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