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Everything posted by Ochocinco!

  1. Was released by Nats and signed by Angels within 10 min lol
  2. Teenagers constantly use "like" and "uhm" without realizing how much they use it when they speak. Gets reeeeaaallllyyy annoying fast!!
  3. Bingo! The one near me in Thousand Oaks used to be good. I would go couple times a year with the old man but lately they suck so much ass! Also a no no for me: ARBYS SUCKS
  4. I can't remember the guys name but I think his last name was Hamilton or something "a buss family friend" but anyways his speech and just the way he delivered it was douchey he just kept bragging about how his family watches laker games yada yada yada. I thought he would never shut up about himself and his " oh my gods " and " I was truly amazed"
  5. Should have been an easy blowout but as usual we have to grind out every W. I can see us picking up a W in Dallas but no way we win in Denver on a back to back.
  6. I stopped reading at " cat sitting " , sounds like hell.
  7. Ahhh I can smell her grass from here.. Is that a bad thing?
  8. https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/5377824768/h4A87082D/
  9. that's what happens when you get your first tattoo in jail..
  10. The mobile is easier to access but will take some getting used to. But the actual online website looks great good work chuck!!
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