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Turd Ferguson

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Everything posted by Turd Ferguson

  1. Don't worry, things should get much easier this weekend. Can't expect these guys to produce against lockdown guys like Norris, Gonzalez and Tillman.
  2. If not for the diminished quiver to bow speed that Pujols has exhibited the past few seasons, we might have had one helluva duo.
  3. Awesome finish. Love seeing the Hat saunter off the field. Love even more him blaming it on a 5 out save.
  4. Fwiw, Olney did an article on this recently. According to him, A'ths had the 2nd easiest schedule, Angels 9th.
  5. In my opinion yes. They had to deal Street and I can't imagine them getting a package anywhere close to what we gave up. What if all 4 pan out? Or 3 of 4?
  6. I'm not sure why people can't acknowledge this. No doubt that this trade helped us this season, but you can't really argue that we just paid a steep price for a relief pitcher. It was a shortsighted, win now trade. Attacking Keith Law won't change that.No matter how you slice it, it was a win for the Padres, that was a great return for a RP. With that said, depending on what we do the next season and a half, it has the chance to be a win for us too. Let's hope it works out.
  7. Sounds like someone has Joe Smith on his fantasy team
  8. Now watch them get a B level prospect for Benoit. Street will help us this season but you are kidding yourself if you don't think this is a shortsighted trade. And we better win the west or there's a chance that this big addition doesn't even pitch in the playoffs.
  9. It just baffles me that people are trying to justify what we gave up for a relief pitcher.
  10. We are still a wild card team and we still are facing Felix in the one game coin flip. Meanwhile, our farm got exponentially weaker, as did our trade bait, and we are going to have to rely on the FA market again next season to improve this team. I hope I'm wrong and this gets bumped in October.
  11. Does anyone think this deal puts us ahead of Oakland? If not, we most have up the farm for a coin flip wild card game.
  12. I was seriously concerned that HaloThunder was right.
  13. For the record, I've been against a trade for Street for this very reason. That said, this is worse than I imagined.
  14. Did Dipoto get a mandate to win this season or else? I can't think of any other justification for this deal. We gave up less for Greinke in my opinion.
  15. If Rondon, Alvarez and Lindsey are included in a deal for a "closer," Jerry better pack his bags. Plain and simple. I hope these reports are wrong.
  16. This is where I'm at. I'd be fine with just Lindsey but I don't like both. Would rather stand pat.
  17. Richards, Skaggs, Newcomb might not be half bad.
  18. Apparently there won't be a trade for Price: http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/07/16/dont-expect-the-angels-to-make-a-run-at-david-price/#comments Real ground breaking and controversial stuff, I know.
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