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Everything posted by AngelsFaninGA

  1. Pujols' expansive mass would've permanently pulled him into its orbit
  2. At least under Scioscia the team was fundamentally sound
  3. They probably looked at Adell's defensive lowlights and decided that love was dead
  4. It's the same thing every year, we have lots of great and promising players but the bottom third of the roster isn't just bad, it's absolutely awful.
  5. We're actually only down 2-1 right now so this game is well within reach. Let's go boys!
  6. I do, however, understand how win-loss works, and how runs scored and runs against work.
  7. Great, sure, thanks. Again, I see a shitty pitcher on the mound. I don't really care what OiPioTx or WBTiP or whatever tells me his stats should be if it was a Tuesday in Mongolia.
  8. Also BABIP is stupid and is one of those classic "what should have been" stats that everyone drools over. So like, is Trout going to have his stats adjusted downward because his BABIP is too high?
  9. Because Trout is the best player in the league and Quintana sucks. To use an extreme example, if I went out there, my BABIP would be 0, because I suck. It would never normalize because I'd just never put a ball in play.
  10. Blanton's ERA when he was here was only 6.04, compared to the abject disasters that Teheran and Quittana have been
  11. I heard we get a wins/runs adjustment at the end of the season because our FIP is better than our ERA. Not
  12. I guess call me a devotee then because I see 6 runs scored by the opposing team and a loss. Baseball seems to have developed an affinity for bending reality when they don't like it and coming up with all these "what should have been" stats.
  13. Damn, to think I actually liked this signing and the Teheran one. I should know better by now
  14. Zero? Would you like to provide some justification for that? Maybe a statistical analysis that backs up this point? TIL that our pitching staff simply materialized out of the void at the beginning of this season and that there is no (specifically, zero) prior history, scouting reports, anything really, that could have been used to make an evaluation of them. I guess I'm just thinking of different pitchers that have consistently disappointed or gotten injured in prior years, my mistake. With technological advances these days enabling you to create humans in labs and shift the fabric of time and space it's easy to get confused, my apologies.
  15. The sample size is the better part of 10 years, and especially the last 3+. Looking at our pitching rankings going back: 25th, 25th, 19th, 12th, 21st, etc etc
  16. Ok great, we have one pitcher with an ERA of 4.20 that falls under this category. And yet the league stats speak for themselves. Like I get standards are low and the pitchers will randomly get better in late August when we're 15 games out but this happens every year
  17. Sure, they put together an occasional good start, but then you look at the league stats and we have the worst ERA in the league by a good half run and counting. There's just no consistency.
  18. The pitching will just never be good enough. Maybe we can score 7 runs and at least make it an entertaining 11-7 loss.
  19. Yeah maybe stop losing games 15-1 and 16-2 and this won't be an issue
  20. Frankly if this team finishes .500 and has a top 10 offense going forward I'm satisfied. I've given up on any iteration of GM/Manager/players putting together a good pitching staff and making a deep playoff run.
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