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Everything posted by NrM

  1. Yeah what a disaster. Got my money's worth at least. 50 hours and beat the game. got to see Keanu Reeves cock
  2. Got the 1st Moderna shot. Not sure I want the 2nd one tbh.
  3. So no one knows where they ranked the Angels?
  4. If anyone is a member, can you let us know where the angels rank? also lol at everyone who shitted on Dipoto. Dude has done a masterful job rebuilding the Mariners.
  5. yea i know I'm talking about the stimulus package overall.. A multitrillion dollar stim isn't just going to be checks for americans.
  6. Biden assembling multitrillion-dollar stimulus plan with checks, unemployment aid https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2021/01/08/biden-stimulus-plan/ this shit is going to be so bloated lmao
  7. Is the printer still on? more stimulus coming? Sounds like Tesla can keep going. The unstoppable meme stock
  8. is the vaccine effective against this new covid strain or not? I can't find a fucking answer.. is the world fucked or not?
  9. Ripple is being sued by the SEC and has been delisted by most exchanges. It's a centralized shitcoin. I recommend buying Ethereum, it's actually being used, although you might want to wait for a dip/correction first.
  10. update... both parents confirmed covid..I live with my parents because I'm poor and watch anime. I came up negative on the rapid test yesterday. Feel a cough coming on right now...dick still works...
  11. update on my dick.. still works.. just had to find something good...
  12. Welp pretty sure I have covid. Parents getting tested tomorrow. My dick stopped working.
  13. Around episode 6 now. Actually enjoying it a lot so far. Chris Rock isn't taking up too much screen time at least.
  14. Protesters who have camped for months to prevent a Black and Indigenous family from being forced to leave a North Mississippi Avenue home took the property back Tuesday after morning clashes with police, who said they were working to “re-secure” the foreclosed home.
  15. I'm only 1 episode in and I'm not feeling Chris Rock as a gangster. They could've casted someone better.... like Mike Milligan from season 2
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