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Everything posted by NrM

  1. Arte Moreno is the owner and he wants his money's worth out of his overpaid vets...Always been that way. Don't see why that would change now.
  2. oh god 50 year old pujols up with the bases loaded? what could go wrong.
  3. Woman really doesn't want the overcrowded migrant detention facility to be filmed. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56491941
  4. Oakland accused of racism for giving families $500 a month if they earn under $59K – but not if they are white https://www.cbsnews.com/news/oakland-500-month-basic-income-residents/
  5. True, but he makes funny twitter posts so I give him a pass..
  6. https://www.businessinsider.com/bernie-sanders-elon-musk-focus-on-earth-pay-more-tax-2021-3?utm_source=copy-link&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=topbar Bernie Sanders tells Elon Musk to 'focus on Earth' and pay more tax rather than spend his wealth on space travel What a fucking clown. Elon Musk and his companies employ over 80,000 highly skilled and valuable workers. Elon is creating wealth and jobs. But yea he should scrap his space programs so the government can spend his money more wisely.
  7. Is there a correlation between stimulus checks and black people taking over cities? I remember this happening in Vegas too. Fuck I think I'm being racist.. Forget I said anything...
  8. Meh it's like 50/50 for me. A lot of my coworkers been saying how they're "allergic" to vaccines or how they suffered a lot of side affects from the flu shot. I don't even think being allergic to certain vaccines is a thing though. I think they say they're allergic because you can't really call them out on that.
  9. Long Beach VA is fast and efficient. Takes like 5 min upon arriving to get the shot and then have to wait like 10 minutes in case of any adverse effects.
  10. I'm thinking I might need to start incorporating dumbbell bench. They're pricey but might be worth it. That and maybe just saying fuck it and not being afraid to put on weight. Thanks for the advice.
  11. nah I'm just enjoying the show from the sidelines. I do actually hold a lot of Ethereum though.
  12. yo tell me your secret to increasing your bench... I'm getting desperate
  13. Disneyland at 20% capacity sounds pretty damn awesome.
  14. Can't wait for my stimulus check to go straight into GME and Ethereum. I'm what they call a sophisticated analytical investor.
  15. House passing decrim marijuana right before election and now completely ignoring it.
  16. I wonder what percentage of bills that pass the house actually make it to the senate and pass. If I had to guess, I'd say less than 5%
  17. to be fair, boycotting something and straight up canceling are very different things
  18. I think I read an article once. So I had some education.
  19. My uneducated opinion. There isn't enough properties available to buy, especially in California. Rich people, who don't even plan on living in these properties, are buying them all up and screwing over the little guy who dreams of owning one day. This of course drives up the rent. There needs to be penalties for rich fuckers who see owning 4-5 properties as investments.
  20. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gender-pay-gap-creates-second-class-citizenship-for-women-for-the-rest-of-their-lives-says-lilly-ledbetter-141823766.html stuff like this being mainstream with no pushback at all is pretty frustrating. While all women are underpaid compared to their white male counterparts, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, gaps not only persist throughout time, they widen based upon race and ethnicity. In analyzing median annual earnings, the Department of Labor found Black women earn roughly 61% of what white men earn. Hispanic women fare even worse; they earn just over half of what their white male counterparts earn. Asian women and white women were still underpaid but faced narrower gaps: 85% and 77%, respectively. Yeah lets just Ignore all the other factors that go into it and make blanket statements that it's sexism and discrimination.
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