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Everything posted by HaloNation

  1. yet the angels didn't feel like he was worth a raise, while other roy players like posey or kimbrel got a nice 50% raise. at least hamilton gets paid 50 times as much.
  2. never go full potato but you're not serious anyway
  3. hamilton needs to be removed from the LU or put in the 8th or 9th spot fuk him
  4. just let it go brah angels are not gonna make it
  5. it doesn't even matter whether he does something wrong or right. it's simply time for a change. it's not working.
  6. we have a winner unfortunately MS can't think that far.
  7. dipoto failed so incredibly hard. how did this guy even get the title GM ? he is an amateur at best.
  8. this is like the first "okay" move dipoto has done lol
  9. Do people realize that nothing will change unless we clean up bottom to top ???
  10. why would beane make this trade ?? either he doesn't see any potential in green or more is coming
  11. so we're hopeful to land another 5.XX ERA SP ? sad.
  12. my reaction after the 2nd homer
  13. in for hamilton and trout collision gif
  14. are you asking if it's over yet ? not sure if serious. \\ the season was over on april 1st brah
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