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Everything posted by Sciosciapath

  1. How would Dipoto be able to sign former Rockies rejects if he worked for the Rockies? Does not compute
  2. Marine Layer is not getting enough blame. Marine Layer 100%
  3. C: Scioscia 1B: Scioscia 2B: Featherston 3B: Scioscia SS: Scioscia LF: Scioscia CF: Scioscia RF: Scioscia SP: Scioscia
  4. Person: Sky is blue! Stradling: Actually it's periwinkle Person: Team is screwed Stradling: Actually the team is slightly boned
  5. Vin is a legend. The scrub just needs to change his last name and add an E. I'm sure Johnny G can give him one of his 100s of E's at 2B
  6. Let's play some Tetris mother******
  7. A new mentor for Salas? Or will he join the "*#@$ the Angels" crew down in Texas
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