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Everything posted by WestistheBest

  1. Yeah, I'm angry. I say burn it down. Fire Sosh Butcher Dipito...all of them. NOW. The pitching is SOOOOO bad, they will never EVER have an ounce of morale. I truly think that's part of the offensive problem as well, even though they will pick up. Burn it down, and let's see what shakes out. It could NOT be WORSE. If you're going to be a laughing stock of the entire league, and this team is with the money they have spent, might as well have some excitement. Rant over, I'm done watching these games for awhile. I'll pick it back up when I cool off. Never in my wildest dreams were we going to be THIS BAD.
  2. He isn't doing anything. Fckin Texas is still picking up guys off waivers. Try and steal a hot shot Assistant GM from someone, fire Dipito for the absolute worst group of pitchers I have ever seen. No sense in Bi'ting about Puljos and Hamilton now. Someone out there is this game can find better talent for less money than Dipito, I don't care what they do to Sosh. Keep him, fire him whatever, but this mess, right now, is not his fault.
  3. Probably a good idea, likely he would have mashed anyway. They should try and walk every battter, BP is so bad, they'll accidently strike some guys out.
  4. Not going to watch at least a few games. Not worth it, break time. Maybe longer, I'll wait until some pitchers come back and see if we can make up the 15 game deficit. That might be enjoyable.
  5. The worst part is Dipito is doing absolutely nothing, not picking up guys on waivers, not even trying. I really think they don't give a sh*t. I think Dipito is already looking at next year.
  6. WOW. What a battle for 3rd place it will be, that should be exciting.
  7. Really shut out by a guy not named The King? It never ends.
  8. Not always, especially if you're racing the pitcher, it can be a harder call to make. Nothing wrong with that slide, except it was some wasted fun. I agree with the original poster, despite Hamilton's non-existent power, he showing signs of being Hamilton again. He seems more confident. We'll see
  9. You can never count on health, it happens to all teams. A better GM would have had some pitching depth, or some pitching.
  10. Of course Hamilton will dive for fly balls, there is a time for everything, sometimes it's best to keep the ball in front of you. Of course, that would mean the pitcher could actually manage an out. Maybe you're right, they all should just dive at everything, may be the key to the season.
  11. He does, so no need for this team to take it personally.
  12. That wild pitch was one of the worst I have ever seen, two feet off the bag? JFC
  13. Here's what you do, forget it. We weren't going to beat Darvish anyway. I'm okay with trying Roth, look...this team has to TRY something. Carpenter? no comment. But trying to get 4 back on Darvish was going to be close to impossible. Like it or not, that guy is Ace material. Anyway, forget this series, and try to actually beat teams that can beat, or you SHOULD beat.. I can stomach losing to Darvish, not the effing Twins, that still kills me. Is there any young arm in this system besides Jerome that could get through ONE inning? Give them a shot, because we've got absolutely nothing to trade. I would seriously start looking at guys on waivers for the pen, I'm not kidding. Forget a Starter, that's not going to happen. Try and stay somewhat close through A-break, that's what you've got.
  14. Is that a joke? They all are horrible. Ya gotta be kidding me
  15. It's depressing because this is a good team otherwise. "You can only goes as far as the pitching takes you"
  16. Yes, it looks to me like he needs a rest, even though Hamilton's numbers are still in the gutter,he looks a little more disciplined. Give Puljos a rest, and slide Hamilton into 3. I agree with those who say he looks like he's in agony. Two weeks, hopefully it helps.
  17. He was better. Somewhat encouraging, of course the BP still sucks. I really wish I had something more positive to say, but I never thought we were going to win that game. It all goes back to pitchers not be able to hold anyone.
  18. Pretty much, Nathan wasn't allowing him any room. Nathan is known for being able to hold runners pretty well. It didn't matter anyway.
  19. We score, they score, we score they score, we score they score more. The pitching s*cks
  20. It's rest, surgery or corticosteroid shots. It's highly unlikely it will get any better this season, most likely worse. This is the worst I've ever seen him struggle with it so early Surgery after this season.
  21. Whoa, not good. It's going have to be rested. That sh*t is beyond painful.
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