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Jeff M

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Everything posted by Jeff M

  1. Close game, no outs, runner on 1st and/or second
  2. Nice post, Chuck. I go through this same thing nearly every year, with some fortunate playoff trips some years back that changed my mindset a little. But ultimately I stick around for every game, every season because I love watching or listening to my Angels play. Even as a kid I was the "odd kid" in the family who would hang out in his bedroom listening to Al Conin call the Angels games on KMPC via my old clock radio. Every once in awhile a game would be shown on KTLA and reservations would be made with the television set. All this to watch or hear those moments like Wally Joyner hitting 3 home runs, Ervin Santana throwing a no hitter, or Peter Bourjos making a great catch. Playoffs are great, championships better, but witnessing the day-to-day grind and the spectacular moments are the things that keep me hooked for 162 days or more every year.
  3. I used to do it a lot back in the 90s. I went to one game alone last season when I was staying in Anaheim for work (living in SD at the time). FOr those of us who actually go to watch the game, it's nice to take in a game alone.
  4. I have tickets for the Friday night Angels vs. Pirates game...Right now I feel the only reason I'm going is to cross The Pirates off the list of teams I've seen the Angels play. So irritated right now. I certainly won't be watching or listening to the game tonight.
  5. Congrats to Corbin. I wish him success in his career.
  6. That sucks. I met his wife at a game back in '02. Nice lady. I always pulled for the guy, even after he left Anaheim.
  7. Someone needs to punch them. Punch them all.
  8. Hahahaha...funny. THis whole series has been a joke. I'm outta here.
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