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Everything posted by mtangelsfan

  1. I think Eppler was ok, I think trying to recover from that carney Dipoto was even more difficult than most of us think.
  2. Now there are ways to lower the cost. I am a fan of public service organizations like Americore. If the dems are hell bent on some some sort of free college then that can be offset by using public service to improve the infrastructure
  3. I agree mostly but the infrastructure needs to be upgraded and there is no debating it
  4. Still the best Angel manager and it isn’t even close.
  5. Yeah dude, I thought you had finally jumped the shark
  6. We are the disgusting ones? I wish the best for you.
  7. So they banned them from bringing water or food?
  8. I will answer my own question, no they are not.
  9. Seems to me a train between Vegas and LA is a no brainer.
  10. What are you talking about? Law is based on what if.
  11. I don’t think it is laughable, what if when they hand out the water they said “vote for....” or something similar?
  12. Since you went there, the number of alcohol deaths is not zero
  13. I am sure it had to be a Trump Supporter.......
  14. Yeah, forgive me if I don't take a tweet from Juan Castro as the gospel. Or any tweet for that matter
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