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Erstad Grit

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Everything posted by Erstad Grit

  1. Let's get Lee and Mauer and have more monster truck rallys in the off-season
  2. 6.1 innings, 2 earned runs, and 12 k's is pretty bad ass considering he had to throw a ton of extra pitches because of piss poor defense.
  3. LOL When you want to change the way MLB records stats to prove your point you should realize you are on thin ice. CJ pitched at minimun a good game, realistically a great game considering Conger going little league on us. CJ has been our best SP. CJ is not the problem on this team.
  4. Scioscia is the best manager at getting umpires to discuss calls and consider changing them. Last year I had criticism on Scioscia this year I have virtually none. Pujols/Hamilton hitting low .200's and a crappy pitching staff is why we suck. Not Scioscia's fault for not arguing more.
  5. I would have been fine with a rebuild. When you rebuild you don't sign two older players for 15 years 365 million and trade away our best prospects for Greinke
  6. Should we go Manny Ramirez and Barry Bonds too? Vlad Guerrero is out there. Age catches up with everybody. The job of a GM is to pay players for what they WILL do not what they HAVE done
  7. First off I would have kept Walden. Trading a young, inexpensive, allstar closer for a SP who was terrible was perplexing. I loved the Burnett signing. He is someone i wanted. Soriano I was hoping but at that price I understand passing. Oliver Perez looked great down the stretch and could have been grabbed cheap. (yes I said this during the off-season-it's on the old board) Joe Nathan who looked good down the stretch I also would have given an invitation to Krod Bottom line is our BP was TERRIBLE last year and we traded Walden and signed someone who hadn't pitched in a year.
  8. I hated the Pujols deal and while I was in the minority there were others of us. I disliked the Hamilton deal. I never saw him being this bad but I did not like the deal. I wanted Angels to keep Haren and Santana for one more year. Haren has not been great but > than Blanton. Santana would be our ace. I would have put Trumbo in RF and Morales/Pujols and 1b/dh. I would have spent the $ on assembling and upgrading a real bullpen. He has not done his job.
  9. That a way AJ! I'm with you. It is not looking good but to say season over is crazy. You brought up some solid points and a healthy Madson could be icing.
  10. He looked good today. Base hit up the middle not hit too hard. Sure double play ball Harris booted. Lazy grounder on a hit and run. Bloopish single.
  11. I'm just curios how much that may be a factor in Hamilton. How long do you not feel right after quitting? Is that a possibility? If so any guesses on how long the detox takes?
  12. feels like everything is starting to click except Hamilton
  13. Yeah and the pitcher would have gone all 19 innings too.
  14. Catching 19 innings cannot be defended unless it's pre-1960's.
  15. I didn't say pull him at 9. A's weren't dumb enough to have their catcher go that long.
  16. Scioscia playing Chris that entire 19 inning game not very smart
  17. I want good players. If a catcher throws runners out I really don't care if they show excitement. I am pulling for Conger but have major doubts. Him getting excited for Cespedes stealing a base off him but oversliding does not make me think he is better than what he is.
  18. Not only Santana will be an allstar but a cy young candidate
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