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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Not really a suggestion but tdawg messaged me a few weeks ago wondering if we would ever have a dick pic forum
  2. I think the key is to go in with moderate expectations. I like it so far. The brother is just a vehicle to drive Jimmy away from pursuing a prestigious law job. He doesn't want to end up like that/wants to make his own name. I.e. Saul I don't think the brother will serve any other purpose. Maybe it's a play on New Mexico UFOs. The bro might think he was abducted or something
  3. No one has to make that choice
  4. Biden went on to say: "And where's that bitch Thora? Neal and I used to run the train on her after model UN meetings. Thora, I miss yah, toots!"
  5. That is why I refuse to watch a James Bond flick
  6. You probably need someone shitty to initially takeover because everyone will hate them. Then, replace that person after 6 months with the right choice
  7. Lewis Black was great in his limited role on the show. I'm with you. It would be brutal to see him every day. I think maybe a non-baseball Point/Counterpoint...?
  8. Time to invest in 'Merica flags and bumper stickers
  9. Lewis Black is very polished. A little too schticky for me but he's funny. Gaffigan is great too
  10. Finished Chef 8/10 Very good. Started The Bag Man with Cusack and Dinero. Interesting thus far
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