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Everything posted by Adam

  1. I do much better with the call center indians. I deal with the engineer indians
  2. I’d rather he do this with acknowledgement and apologies for his decades of destroying lives while in the Senate. But hopefully they expedite the release of all these people
  3. I don't know that I made it to 10. But I had people call back multiple times with different family members' info for sure. The best is when you asked for their Visa or Mastercard and the first number they gave you was 2 or 8 haha
  4. I have a gay indian buddy. I'm the most moral white person on this site.
  5. Black dudes transferred black dudes too. Credit Checks are a bitch
  6. It isn't racism. It's stereotyping. Some of us are fans of being efficient.
  7. EVERY. TIME. I was almost assaulted by a cokehead for doing this
  8. And Indian Food sucks. If you tell me you like it I know you're a pretentious fuck
  9. I would go on mahgoshygoshwin.com and do the same if my name were Paresh
  10. My new job is literally just sitting in meetings for 6 hours a day not understanding indian people and then reading emails for 2 hours after asking them to email me summaries of what they said in the meetings
  11. Welp I was hoping for a lengthy #freest1ck campaign. Looks like I'll need occupy my times doing other things
  12. I can’t understand them. Even the ones who have been here for 20 years. It’s a me problem but I don’t think it’s solvable
  13. Arch, how is there even an economy there when everyone is an uber driver?
  14. Its fucking crazy to me that Arch lives amongst the Arabs
  15. The Grifters seize everything in the end
  16. My uncle was gay. Died in Mexico at 55. RIP Uncle Brent
  17. Blarg pays a surcharge at the porn shop to cover that
  18. I think it's still a longshot he does. I am surprised he's made it this long tho
  19. Meh. They aren't actually planning on enforcing this. It was just a bone to throw to the nutjobs. They'll postpone the date a few years before it approaches
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