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Everything posted by acro2008

  1. Monsanto falls under the category of absolute power corrupting absol............well everyone knows how that ends. Corporatism reaching the danger zone.
  2. According to many, to no surprise, the US is starting too look like one big corporate bully, dare I say satanic? I guess it's all perspective, but a perspective US citizens rarely get.
  3. Was cops and steroids discussed yet? http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/the-bogus-drug-war-1/illegal-steroid-use-by-cops-an-epidemic.html
  4. Almost anything's possible given the crooks who are in the slots of real power, job titles sounding innocuous as if there were checks and balances because the media is so controlled by this group; a group that cares not who is a liberal or conservative.
  5. Don't buy guys that have been programmed like this a beer
  6. Ignore the fact that this guy grabs his coffee every minute or two, you'll warm up to him. His historical information is very good. Money=war=slavery with religion and philosopy thrown in. http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/money-madness-1/the-real-history-of-money-and-debt---part-3.html
  7. I believe in the possibility that because of the way in which our military has been used, the USA may be less safe than it used to be or maybe has ever been. Although I don't buy some of the government 911 lies, Norad may as well have been shut down. Maybe it was.
  8. Quantitative easing 4 coming? #3 seemed to breezed on by. The crooks were given a break, so why not those who put most of the money back into the economy? Maybe it makes too much sense. http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/money-madness-1/the-next-trillion-dollar-bubble.html
  9. I couldn't agree with this more. Celebrating the military through sports is a great way to market it but I don't like it at all. It's especially present in football. When I was a kid watching sports in the early and mid 70's, the military was nowhere. Late 60's and early 70's, although I was very young, the Viet Nam war wasn't connected to sports.
  10. "Printing Press Benny" it sure is but I think the game, intentional or not, is out of control.
  11. I know Brian's posts and your response is quite funny. He may get excited but he doesn't seem to be afraid to stick his neck out about what he feels. I respect that because our Country is falling to pieces and I know others here see this also, but some are afraid to be categorized as being wacky. Those in power bank on that type of thinking(unintentional pun).
  12. How the US creates it's own money http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/money-madness-1/where-does-money-come-from-.html
  13. True but bypassing constitutional law to enslave the public to the government has been going on for a long while now. It's just that people that haven't noticed before are starting to notice, or they were afraid to sound like a "nut job". Is it fair to bring Brian in on this when it is you that feels this way?
  14. *Crickets* for seven hours so far ...... Is this just old news?
  15. Bill Still explains why Quantitative easing is economic insaniity, as it's injected into the GDP. I am personally ignoring what the mainstream says. We are in trouble. http://www.realecontv.com/videos/government-corruption/qe-is-included-in-gdp.html
  16. The book "Web of Debt" is written by Ellen Hodgson Brown. This is a short video with her comments. The debt itself isn't the issue as much as how the debt is created. http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/money-madness-1/the-real-government-debt-fraud.html
  17. So many have been brainwashed into the left-right, liberal-conservative paradigm.
  18. Both Lawrence and AO, I hear you. AO, we do our banking through a credit union too and put cash in the safe for now. Lawrence, if people start realizing the history of the "Fed" and just what they have done since 1913, hopefully things would change. I'm not going to hold my breath though collective awareness is pretty powerful, IMO. There have been mini coup d' etat's along the way leading up to what we have now, a fake republic.
  19. Priivate banking has historically put nations in debt with this scheme of being the ones to print the money annd loan it to the government. The "Fed"" is private; as private as Federal Express. "Control A countries money supply and I care not who makes it's laws"(Quote by very famous banker). The only country I can think of not caught in this web of debt is Iceland. They kicked those den of vipers out of their country. We've been duped big time and the F'n media has played along. People say, but "the Federal Reserve has shareholders". Look who theiir shareholders are,LOL.
  20. Not to worry, the oversight committees will get to the bottom of all this.
  21. So true about what immediately effects people . I think the advanced computer age may have exacerbated it. Getting off topic but It amazes me how many people walk around with their head down because what is on their device is important, just not important enough to stop meandering. I'm in a wheel chair and in the Angel stadium thoroughfare, if I wasn't mobile some people would run right into me. In this regard things have really changed.
  22. The people have allowed the greedy leviathen of the big Finance with big corporation to take over almost completely, all while we played with our toys and fool around on Facebook. We are the only animal that can look up and ponder what is in the sky or heavens, yet more and more people, more imporantly the young people, walk around with their heads down playing with social media. As subjective as awareness is, it's what it takes to start change.
  23. Executive branch are puppets. The rest of the goveernment is not much different. IMO, the White House mostly does what big money tells it to do. There aren't many screw ups as much as there are intentional actions done for specifiic reasons that the White House(controlled by big money), all ready with the cover story and lies simply does not tell the public. The western elite are still playing a grand game of chess as in war games for profit and for their own domination and control. Obama is Pinocchio spewing garbage such as "Keep America free" Bull sh&t as people just keep dying.
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