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Everything posted by mrwicked

  1. get a chrome book for $249.
  2. Dig those jerseys with Anaheim on them. i cant find mine for the life of me. which you could still buy em, those damn things are hard to come by.
  3. yeah there is no way they remove the income limit. that is pure and simple siphoning of wealth, especially if they don't also remove the cap on benefits at the same time. then it's just welfare.
  4. ultra pixel! i like these UIs moving towards big tiles, much better use of screen real estate. the standard iOS and android UIs are really stale. phone needs to expand screens as far to the edges as possible.
  5. jeah! go bears. can't wait to get this season going. the stadium is just amazing.
  6. well over due. the best part is they reported terrible earnings the other day, losing even more money than people anticipated, and he pulled a bahgdad bob routine saying how they are in perfect position actually. 24 hours later he's ousted. not like it matters, dude already cashed out a long time ago by doing a $1b round that didnt go into the business, it went to the founders and investors. they only went public because they had no money to keep the lights on. but employees had to wait standard 3 months post IPO to sell, ie when the stock had already tanked. still can't believe they turned down $6b from google.
  7. that coconut porter by maui brewing is very good.
  8. before beer whiskey was the preferred drink. ever read the numbers of US booze consumption in the 19th century? its hilarious. in 1830 on average every man, woman and child in the US drank 4 gallons of pure, 200 proof alcohol a year. or basically the equivalent of a couple hours of pre-gaming with IE.
  9. Game 6: SF at cheesecake factory on top of macy's building in union square with about 12 family members up from OC to visit me at Berkeley. Was an amazing night. Game 7: had a viewing party at the sorority where i lived with about 40 friends - mix of angels and giants fans.
  10. Well that changes my opinion. When I first read the page just mentioned you were donating "some" profit/royalty/etc (this was the crux of my previous post); thanks for clarifying that it's every penny. Big thumbs up for the philanthropic effort. Count me in for some LTBU gear to help out Miracle League.
  11. Sounds like he's using his media platform to shill his own schwag and make money on the side. Surprised the org allows it.
  12. is he one of the guys that fleeced people on that big online poker site? basically it was a ponzi scam and they took everyone's winnings (to the tue of $400m) and used it on themselves. i think they finally got busted and had to pay back $800m or so.
  13. favorite places to drink it: amsterdam, belgium, munich, budapest, prague, dive bars in the states and on the river.
  14. The 50kb max size when using an image hosted elsewhere is unnecessary. This site just tells the browser rending the URL; image size shouldn't be involved.
  15. there's a killer 20s prohibition style club in the city called Slide. and if you want you literally take a hidden slide to go down into the club. http://www.slidesf.com/
  16. the H is so O. one of the best SNL shorts ever. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/540b145e5d/the-h-is-o-a-short-by-adam-mckay-from-adam-ghost-panther-mckay-will-ferrell-jimmy-fallon-and-ben-stiller
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