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Everything posted by Lhalo

  1. Not planting my garden until after this weekend’s rain. I’ll start building my chicken coop after that too. Fresh eggs FTMFW.
  2. If they own property I’ll allow it.
  3. Fuck ya Taylor. Dice them kids up! Let’s go!
  4. I have to admit, The Angels know how to beat the shittiest teams in the league.
  5. Can you imagine how much better this country would be if women still couldn’t vote? The positives are endless.
  6. You’re going to strain your groin reaching so hard to justify zero bail. Keep it up though. You look smarter everyday.
  7. E-Pay is probably the best nickname I’ve heard on this forum in a while.
  8. That’s a leftist tactic they love to use. They are “progressives” and have bettered themselves more than people in the past. Now bow down to their overpowering knowledge lol.
  9. I’m not following you. How does quoting scripture make him a pervert?
  10. I think Israel has the right to eliminate Hamas but I don’t think any American blood/treasure should be spent toward that endeavor.
  11. You guys are too busy with petty grammar arguments to be bothered that a cop lost his life due to liberal policies. Zero bail needs to end immediately.
  12. You must work with a lot of old people.
  13. It's a baseball message board. Did you not see the MLB 2024 Predictions thread?
  14. Crazy article. After our meal, OJ asked me if I would like to accompany him to a local sports bar to watch that Sunday's big game. And that turned out to be the most unnerving experience of the entire day. As we walked into the packed bar a cheer went up and everyone started applauding. My jaw dropped amid the handshakes and back slaps as OJ greeted his adoring fans. And our table was immediately surrounded by young, beautiful women. I asked one of these girls – and they were aged 18 or 19 - if she felt comfortable being around a man who, come off it, we all knew was a double murderer? 'I don't care' she replied, 'We all know he did it but, hey, he's OJ Simpson. He's a legend!' And so it continued for the rest of the afternoon. OJ barely drank but endless free drinks were delivered to our table. I asked him if all this female attention was 'normal'. 'Oh yes,' he smiled. 'I've never had so much p**** in my life.' He was that most American of phenomena. Notorious, disgraced and yet feted wherever he went by a public drawn to the seductive power of fame. Even that of a cold-blooded killer. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13298485/OJ-Simpson-1997-Nicole-Brown-Ron-Goldman.html
  15. This is awesome. Ippei is the fall guy. Can't wait for more facts to be released. The Juice died so now we get a new trial of the century.
  16. This news is tough. I was really looking forward to the sequel of The Lion King.
  17. But guess who is? Hall of famer Rod Carew
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