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Amazing Larry

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Everything posted by Amazing Larry

  1. So let them stay and vote in red states to flip them? You boys in CO already did that.
  2. Remember, it’s only bad when Trump does it.
  3. So Joe likes inflation? FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect U.S. Steel and Shipbuilding Industry from China’s Unfair Practices Call to triple the tariff rate on steel and aluminum imports from China United States Trade Representative to investigate China’s unfair shipbuilding practices https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/17/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-new-actions-to-protect-u-s-steel-and-shipbuilding-industry-from-chinas-unfair-practices/
  4. The fraud this November will be amazing to see. The dems are bussing and flying in illegals from all over the world to steal this thing.
  5. Burt owned a burger joint near my house that all us kids used to eat at. Lots of memorabilia everywhere. Fun place.
  6. He's actually telling some interesting stories. I didn't know he was building a Tiger Woods' designed golf course.
  7. Not in the starting lineup today...
  8. Transgender woman, 35, who identifies as a Vampire is convicted of sexually assaulting mentally disabled teen while under investigation for strangling death of man at her home A transgender woman who identified as a vampire has been convicted of sexually terrorizing a 16-year-old Wisconsin girl with learning difficulties - while under investigating for a strangling a man to death in her home. Adam 'Sabrina' Hetke, 35, has already been jailed twice for sex offences against women dating back to 2007, and police warned that she had a 'high probability to reoffend' when she was released in 2016. But she was free to scare the young teen into jumping out of her bedroom window after following her home from a Waukesha gas station with a knife and sexually assaulting her in July 2021. Just weeks before the sex assault, Hetke allegedly admitted strangling a man to death in Milwaukee, after telling a friend: 'I killed him. God can't bring him back but I can because I'm the devil.' It was only after she assaulted the 16-year-old that she was arrested for murder. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13313071/Transgender-vampire-mentally-disabled-teen-hetke.html
  9. Bruh. He’s made billions off this.
  10. Does Glasnow ever STFU? I swear that guy just loves to hear himself talk.
  11. I lol’d when the interviewer asked why his wife would be mad at him and he said there wasn’t enough time in the telecast to explain all the reasons.
  12. I bet hardly any outfielders wear cups.
  13. This is a major factor in war now. Drone swarms are a thing.
  14. Neocons like Wopphil love those guys. The good news is the old guard is dying off. GenX and younger don’t like the idea of our kids funding forever wars.
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