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Broad Street

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Everything posted by Broad Street

  1. Why does Robles remind me of Ernesto Frieri? Good fastball, but that's about it
  2. 38 different players have played LF since 2014?! Jesus, I knew it was ridiculous, I didn't think it was that bad.
  3. My sex life. Pretty difficult to get any more disappointing than that.
  4. How many homers will the Angels give up this year? I'm guessing 324
  5. I never wanted Eppler to let him go. It's not like he kept having elbow troubles.... He had a nerve issue that was misdiagnosed and then fixed. Should have kept him for sure over people like Tropeano or signing Harvey.
  6. Cozart is way worse than that.
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA He got caught in a sweet double pickle, what a dummy
  8. Hard to have a full stadium when it takes 5 hours to get through traffic.
  9. Bellinger launched #10... Interested to see if he can keep it up
  10. Thought you were making a weird GoT reference.
  11. But they're not Dario bad, they're Hot Pie bad.
  12. Looks like I'm going to have a serious chat with the lady tonight. Great part of not having much is when she gets half my shit, she's not getting much.
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