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Everything posted by HaloMagic

  1. I obviously don't agree with "turn this thing into a human." I highly doubt she does. But I agree with the sentiment behind what she was saying. If we spend all day looking for people saying craaaaazy things then we can easily miss the point of their statement. It's clear that you disagree with her point. But you shouldn't ignore the point simply because she used a language instrument that you didn't like. Especially when it has little to do with the actual point being made. Or nothing, as was the case here.
  2. These people? AKA one person who was probably never hiding anything to begin with. I have no problem with the second clip. I agree. The first clip is bonkers, though.
  3. It's a bit disingenuous to mention attendance figures and point to the size of the park as if that's more relevant than the size of the population base. Having our team play in the LA metro area plays very heavily into our favor. Our metro area has three times the population that the Dallas-FW metro area does and packs those people in less than half the space. It's not a huge accomplishment for us to pull in more fans than them.
  4. No, because Darvish will pitch a one hitter and some joker here will say "See, that proves he's not a true ace. He didn't get lit up today."
  5. Did you come to the conclusion that it was time to pull out on or around January 20th, 2009?
  6. I don't know why you aren't getting this Glen. Republicans stand for "smaller government", not smaller government.
  7. I thought I was just agreeing with what you said. Sorry.
  8. Sweet. So even though the Republicans stand for "smaller government" that doesn't mean they actually stand for smaller government. Agreed.
  9. Why would they owe him the money if he walks away? And how would that prevent the contract from being a drag?
  10. Yeah, more laws doesn't mean bigger government. Unless you think a more invasive and restricting government is bigger than one that isn't. Then it is bigger government.The universal definition of smaller government isn't less revenue from it's citizens, despite your attempt to make it seem like it is.
  11. Agreed. The two main parties are just as extreme as each other but on different topics. Socially the Republicans are just as big government as the Democrats are fiscally. And money-wise the Republicans try to protect people's rights as much as Democrats do with social issues.
  12. Exactly my point. Despite candidates in state elections calling for smaller government their "efforts at reducing state government are specifically focused on those regulatory issues" that pertain to fiscal matters. They then turn around and attempt to force their way into your bedroom and drop trou and dookie hard all over your privacy. Kind of hypocritical when you promote yourself as being for smaller government. They should run on a "we're going request less of your money comes to us but we are also going to tell you what you can and can't do because we believe we are the ultimate moral authority and anyone that disagrees with us shouldn't have free will" platform. Not as catchy but way more accurate.
  13. In general I hear federal candidates talk about reducing federal government size and state candidates talk about reducing state government size. Since neither one has the power to reduce the other this makes perfect sense. The position isn't a federal one.
  14. No. But that can be said for any political figure. Democrats have been characterized as being anti-gun in this thread when that is just a position held by certain members. It's not an official party position. Many members couldn't be convinced to support gun restriction legislation. It's just easier to group people I guess.
  15. No wonder the world hates us. We're such dicks we don't even care about our own territories.
  16. You can't be serious. Are you implying there aren't Republican candidates running on a small government platform at the state level? The level of the government is not specified by the term "small government". Some use it to refer to a smaller federal government. Some use it to refer to smaller government entities in general, including state and local governments. To say the term only refers to their federal position is pure hogwash.
  17. I'll bite, too. I don't recall reading a quote from Glen anywhere that Democrats were not invasive or that he was on the better side. It seems pretty clear to me that his title is pointing to the perceived hypocrisy created when a party claims to be the small government option because they want to stay out of you wallet but then turn around and try to force their way into your bedroom. I don't believe anyone is claiming the Democrats are the small government option. That would also be hypocritical.
  18. I don't think it's a good PR move. I think it's silly.
  19. Hamilton is a 4 WAR a year player and he just got $25MM per.
  20. Texas didn't have the chance to sign Aybar to a contract. Also, Aybar has never had a 5 WAR season. His 2011 4.4 rWAR is his highest number. Aybar's career rWAR is 15.9. I think you added up Baseball-Reference's oWAR and dWAR numbers. That's not how it works. It's weird that you didn't do the same thing for Andrus. Also, Andrus has average 4 WAR the last two seasons (his third and fourth, aged 23 and 24). If he has an uptick in stats his WAR wouldn't average 3.6. It would go up to around 4.5.
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