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Everything posted by HaloMagic

  1. You suck, bro. Please go away.
  2. I wish the gif was longer so we could see just how casually he strolled after the ball once he had dropped it. It was like he wasn't even concerned with finishing the play. Murphy in LF had to come over and get it because he jogged so slow after it. It was truly embarrassing. Glad we signed him.
  3. I'd say fans are having a fit now.
  4. Considering we outbid everyone and we bid just half of Pujols/Fielder kind of money I'd have to agree with you. The remaining market didn't want to give Hamilton more than $100MM.
  5. Honestly, for Snyder I would have been happy with Delaney and Bonnie.
  6. **Mod edit, Language** ***But bdavis deserves that response***
  7. Before Cespedes went to the DL Young had played from first pitch to last out in 8 of the A's 11 games. They were 8-0 during those games. It can't be Young. Plus, Cespedes was only hitting .200 before he went out.
  8. Cespedes hit a two-run HR to tie it in the bottom of the night. They got three big hits from Donaldson, Seth Smith, and then Cespedes. The last thing we need is for them to start getting those clutch hits. Although if we keep playing like we are it won't make a difference anyway. Interesting note about Cespedes and the A's: They are 92-49(.652) when he plays and 16-31 (.340) when he doesn't since the start of last season. Not sure if that means anything but it's worth noting that on his first game back from the DL the A's were looking at being swept in a four game set at home. They were down 5-0 and pulled within one. Then they were down 6-4 and got a HR to tie it. Then their pitching gives up 2 more runs late but get the HR they need to tie it. Then they cap it with a walk-off, although that was more on the Orioles than the A's. Still, that's the type of persistence we just don't see out of the Halos.
  9. It says there are 313 million people in the US. 158 million female and 153 million male. Do we really have 2 million herms living here? I bet Adam is happy about that.
  10. Corporate overlords have a lot of profitable interests on the island of Guam and not a lot of time to study up on how plate tectonics and landmass formation work.
  11. Haha. F'king US government. Act unilaterally? Yeah, because this is clearly our problem to fix.
  12. Why does it matter how many people he worked with? He still killed 168 people. Also, he didn't work alone. And to answer the question, due process for the accused. It's in there. Take a look.
  13. Anyone that murders waged a war against humanity. I feel our domestic legal system is more the acceptable to deal with terrorists. We have anti-terrorism laws on the books with penalties for breaking them. We should be using that system to prosecute, not one that ignores basic rights.
  14. This thread delivers. It is up there with the General Petreaus testifying thread in terms of complete tinfoil hat-iness. The thread title is amazingly perfect though, considering you had to have gone deep down the conspiracy rabbit hole to pull out this one.
  15. I'll pay $5 for the new TV. That way you get $1 more and you don't have to bother with the headache of selling this one.
  16. I've read the Patriot Act and I've tried to keep up with all the related follow-up legislation. And I'm well aware of FTOs. The government has been labeling FTOs for decades. I disagree that the way we treat the accused needs to be different simply because of their supposed connections and under my interpretation of the Constitution I don't believe our government is allowed to treat them so drastically different, provided they are arrested on US soil.
  17. The AW Detective Gang has come out with the motive behind the attack and the type of explosives used (and described what group uses those particular explosives as their signature, complete with Wikipedia link).
  18. Between should and required? Yeah, I should make my bed after I get up. I'm required to maintain my yard per my HOA. Pretty simple stuff.
  19. I believe we "should" treat everyone accused of a crime against the US the same. I believe we are "required" to treat people apprehended on US soil the same as we treat citizens.
  20. No. We should always give a public trial to anyone apprehended and accused of a crime against the country.
  21. I agree. That's why it's so frustrating to see people suggest not allowing due process for someone arrested on US soil.
  22. One association the bomber has is with the United States of America where he happens to be a citizen. To many, mt included I believe, that is the most important thing. No other conclusions have been drawn as far as I can tell.
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