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Posts posted by SoCalDucksFan

  1. 13 hours ago, Amazing Larry said:

    Because of this geriatric retarded fuck.


    Sleepy Joe is so very confused, while at the same time he masterminded 90+ Indictments over 4 cases against the former guy, and got a jury to convict him on 34 charges.

  2. 12 hours ago, Taylor said:

    So being a convicted felon is a badge of honor. Got it.

    He's like Obi Wan.  Strike me down, and I'll become more powerful than you could ever imagine.


    Although Mr. 34 Felony Convictions is more akin to Darth and the Dark Side.  He certainly ain't no Jedi.

  3. Just a reminder that this team's Narcissistic owner, thinks the 34 times Convicted Felon, is the greatest "president" America has ever had.

    If I attend an Angels game in person, I will buy my ticket from a fan (hopefully,) on the resale market, and will not spend a dime on parking, food, beverage or merchandise at the stadium.  None of my money is going into the pocket of the A-Hole that has destroyed and made into a mockery, this once great franchise during his tenure.

    It takes a special kind of Stupid to waste the presence of 2 generational talents in Trout & Ohtani.  Just because one has wealth, does not mean they have intelligence, as Arte's hero and cult leader proves every single day of his miserable life.

  4. Some people get it.  Others are trying to formulate ideas of changes and adjustments that could be made over a period of years.

    The fact that a P.O.S. Billionaire can hold so many loyal, longtime fans hostage, shows just how truly screwed up and unfair the world is.  Not to mention the fact that in the meantime, the resale value of this franchise continues to go up, providing him Zero incentive to sell.  FUBAR.

    Shohei may not win a title with the Dodgers this year or next year or the year after, but he probably will win one eventually.  And even if he doesn't, you're mistaken if you think he has any regrets about being FAR away from this dumpster fire of a franchise and it's corruptible, narcissistic owner.

  5. 49 minutes ago, Slegnaac said:

    That won't work for the season ticket holders and fans that have already purchased tickets, fans of other teams, etc.

    But otherwise, excellent suggestion.

    Sure, teams like Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, Cubs, Mets, Giants.  But how many of today's 39,000 were Twins fans?  I doubt very many.  And anybody who actually bought an advanced ticket to see a Sunday afternoon game against the Twins, is a bit of a moron.  You could probably get one for less than 25% of face value on the resale market.  And that's because SSH would rather talk a giant hit, than waste their time driving to the stadium, paying for parking and concessions, when they can watch the Angels get destroyed from the comfort of their couch.

    I wonder how many of the Season Seat Holders have had their seats for 20+ years.  The fear of losing that seniority is a strong motivator to keep their plan in place.  Anyone else is showing real dedication to the franchise, it's ownership, management, and players..  I mean, really, what NEW Season Seat Holders are they getting?  Are there people out there actually willing to spend Thousands of $$$$$ to see this team play 81 games in person?

  6. The only way to see whether Arte is the problem, is to have new ownership.  Well, that isn't going to happen, so year after year will go by, and nobody will be able to pinpoint what the problem is.

    GM's, Managers, Players, come and go.  The team still Stinks.  I wonder what it could be?

    The Narcissist running things will NEVER admit what the problem is.

  7. On 3/29/2024 at 6:07 PM, Junkballer said:

    That's assuming a lot, namely that the Feds will look the other way at what appears to be Ohtani changing his story once finding out the seriousness of admitting to making the wire transfers.  Before saying that Ippei stole the money there were reports saying that Shohei admitted to paying the debts to an illegal bookie with wire transfers.  Federal crime right there, if indeed true.  Should the Feds pursue that, MLB will not just allow him to keep playing while a federal charge is hanging over his head.  

    The Feds look the other way plenty of times, especially when someone prominent is involved.  I'm sure a little illegal gambling is low on their list of crimes to investigate.  MLB is powerful enough to make them look the other way, even if they were interested in pursuing something.

  8. Whether or not Ohtani did anything questionable, there is 1 Certainty in my opinion.

    NOTHING will ever happen to him.  There will be NO Consequences whatsoever.  If there was something going on, the public will NEVER know the truth.

    Bottom line, there is Zero chance that this ends with so much as a suspension for Ohtani, let alone a Pete Rose type expulsion from the game.  The league is not going to punish their new $700 Million man, even if he was placing bets against his own club.

    At the very least, the public won't hear another word from that interpreter  At worst, his days on this earth are numbered.

  9. 6 hours ago, gotbeer said:

    Fear not, the Supreme Court certainly isn't going to let the little 'ol 14th Amendment do what it was intended to do.  They had no trouble fast tracking this case, since we wouldn't want to inconvenience TFG.  No rush on the immunity question.  It's not like there's any court cases being put on hold, and we wouldn't want to risk a chance of a felony conviction for a candidate before an election.

  10. I really wonder why President Biden doesn't stick to following that Amazing bill TFG came up with and passed through Congress, to curb the problems at the border.

    If only he could have had a few more terms to work with, I'm sure TFG would have gotten that wall built, and had Mexico pay for it.

    To think, there are still plenty of MAGA MORONS who still believe a wall is the solution, and also that Mexico is going to pay for it.

  11. On 2/29/2024 at 9:01 AM, Ron Mexico said:

    That Mf has no loyalty . The Angels gave that mf everything he wanted and then some and he still bent them over with no Lube

    You have no idea what the POS Moreno offered him.

    And in his entire career with the Angels, there was 1 obvious thing they NEVER gave him, and probably NEVER would under current ownership, and that's a single frickin' Playoff game.  Now if the Angels had at least shown signs of being a Playoff level team at any point during his tenure, and then he simply went for a payday without any sign of loyalty, he could be criticized.  But the fact he's going to a strong Playoff team, is certainly his right.  You can point to how loyal Trout is, but he's still going to look like a fool in several years, if he ends up retiring without ever being part of a single Playoff victory.

  12. On 1/10/2024 at 10:55 AM, St1ck said:

    He would not be allowed to introduce new evidence, “comment on irrelevant matters” or “deliver a campaign speech” — or impugn the judge, his staff, the attorney general, her lawyers or the court system, the judge wrote.

    Clearly our justice system is treating him so unfairly, and differently from the way any other defendant would be.  Who else would not be allowed to introduce new evidence while testifying, making arguments completely irrelevant to the case, be allowed to deliver a campaign speech, all while insulting and making baseless claims about the judge and his staff?

  13. That would require ownership who actually gave a damn about the team's fans, as opposed to simply giving a damn about their money.  That other team up the road has had one for years, and it's been free up until this year.  They're supposedly charging $10, because they know there's huge interest now thanks to the fact they recently signed some superstar player.

    One would think that a team like the Angels would want to hold such an event, to perhaps take people's mind off recent events, but I guess their owner has more important things, or a person, to put his money behind.  A-hole!

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