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Everything posted by Chico

  1. Not sure this is a total collapse yet though it hasn't been looking good lately, and they just lost to the A's. The Rangers still have 22 games left and are only 1-2 games out. Maybe something will wake them up. The division is still winnable.
  2. Sounds to me that Rendon is the Angels' worst acquisition ever. Wonder what's going to happen with him next year?
  3. As much as I like Salmon and Finley, and they were Angel greats, I have to wonder who made the decision to hire them? Was it the puppet GM or was it Moreno?
  4. I want all Arte's deadline acquisitions gone. I want Arte gone too!
  5. Anyone a Sabres fan? I am. We have the NHL equivalent of Arte Moreno...Terry Pegula. What a disaster he's been in the NHL, though his recent Bills history is good. Sabres have been out of the playoffs for twelve years and counting. Anyone a Rick Jeanneret fan? RIP Rick, the greatest!
  6. Why isn't Cron on waivers? Or did he retire?
  7. Then can you please explain the body double?
  8. I think Ohtani has really loved the Angels experience except, when push came to shove and they "went for it" (not championship but merely playoffs) this year, the Angels' ownership and management have proven itself to be completely incompetent. When Ohtani finally realized this, he disassociated himself with the "organization." So I don't see it as a betrayal, I see it as truth. He is great and the Angels suck. What great player wants to be stuck on a team that sucks? Arte Moreno is the great enabler and the great preventer all rolled into one. That's an untenable situation and has made the Angels into a dead man walking. The body double confuses me.
  9. Lucas Golito makes history! https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2023/09/05/lucas-giolito-makes-unwanted-mlb-history-not-seen-since-1899
  10. SWEEP by the worst team in baseball! Highlight of their season. Are the Losers still wearing the kabuto, or have they given up that ridiculous practice?
  11. You're wrong. Kay was a drug dealer. A dealer can be an addict but he spreads it around. Look up the Opium Wars. That's what's happening in this country now. How did China get rid of its massive problem of drug dealers and addicts? They killed them. That might be the only way.
  12. Angels are third in MLB in HRs yet only have a measley 614 RBI. #1 and #2 HR teams have 751 and 731 RBI respectively. They're also 5th in Strikeouts (hitting) at 1248. The Angels swing for the fences in other words, and strike out a lot. They don't drive in runs as they should when they hit HRs. Seems pitchers let up on hitters with nobody on base. I'd like to know how many HRs the Angels have hit this year with nobody on base. I would guess the majority. https://www.mlb.com/stats/team/home-runs The pitching has been terrible too, needless to say. The Mariners have the #1 team ERA in all of baseball at 3.64. Then Angels are #23 (out of 30) at 4.68. They've given up the 8th top most runs in MLB at 684. (Seattle and Tampa have given up 532 and are tied for the least runs allowed) https://www.mlb.com/stats/team/pitching?sortState=asc So you hit a lot of HRs (with no men on base), you don't drive in a lot of runs and your pitching gives up almost the most runs in MLB. A formula for success? Hardly. I've said it before. The 2002 Angels strung a lot of singles, doubles and stolen bases together to construct big innings. They also had a formidable pitching staff. This blueprint should be Angel baseball. Instead, we have "Arte knows better."
  13. Rendon, Hamilton, Pujols. What do they all have in common? The mega-bucks acquisitions were directly forced by the owner, probably without the input of a GM.
  14. Wasn't CJ listed in the Most Hated Angels' thread before this one even came into existence? However, I could see the Angels' lax mismangement of nutrition and exercise as a reason for the chronic injuries.
  15. As it turns out, Minasian politely asked Ohtani to get an MRI and Ohtani refused. I guess we know who's in charge and it's not the flaccid GM.
  16. Who is in charge here, Minasian or Ohtani? If you want a player to go for an MRI, they should go for an MRI.
  17. Anyone know how Taylor Ward is doing? Wishing him the best!
  18. Nothing to get excited about. Rendon/Moreno are just playing their parts in the inevitable end of sports. https://nypost.com/2023/08/24/sports-keep-barreling-toward-its-inevitable-end/
  19. I love Ohtani but I don't want to see him pitch ever again, no matter what team he's on. IMO as a pitcher, he's too fragile.
  20. Not familiar with the Angels' curse? Read this. Maybe they shouldn't build the next stadium on an old Indian burial ground. https://sabr.org/journal/article/of-witches-hexes-and-plain-bad-luck-the-reputed-curse-of-the-los-angeles-angels-of-anaheim/
  21. That's what happens when you try to have three guys put the entire team on their back Three guys who are 28, 32 and 33. First the 33 year old goes down for the season, then the 32 year old, (like last year) leaving the 28 year old pitching and hitting, trying to keep the team afloat. They over-used Ohtani as an anchor. But he's only human. The season is lost and they should completely shut Ohtani down to avoid further injury. But they won't. The Angels are a cursed organization. Cursed with stupidity and bad luck and now the worst owner in MLB. They may have ruined Ohtani by trotting him out as a pitcher bc of their extreme need for uality pitching, even as the season lies in tatters. (again) The warning signs were there....he has been sitting out with exhaustion and finger blisters lately. The team didn't need him as a pitcher. He's a good, not great pitcher, but the Angels' pitching staff is dog**** and they need to keep up the charade of being in playoff contention, even though they're 61-67. How sad. He should not pitch again.
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